fieari's Forum Posts

  • If you don't mind me posting my entire project (which is still in early stages), you can grab it here:

    X is slash, C is stab, Z is jump. Kill a skeleton, and note that it fades away properly. Kill the plant thingy, and it... doesn't.

    The relevant code is in the CollisionHandling sheet, under the DestroyEnemy group. The Main event sheet is where the HP of the enemy you hit is sent to the debug text box.

  • I have two sprites belonging to the Enemy family, both of which have the Fade behavior, not activated at start, fade in 0, wait 0, fade out 300. On having their HP dropped to 0 or below, I have an event that sets Fade to activated.

    The event works for ONE of these enemies, but not the other. The condition that starts the fade is triggering (I made it set text in a textbox as a debug method)... it's just that the 2nd sprite isn't fading!

    The only differences between the two sprites, as far as I can tell, is that,

    A) They are different sprites with different animations

    B) One has the Tint Plus effect (but I removed it, and the problem still exists)

    What more should I be hunting for? What could cause this to happen?

  • Ctrl+Arrow would mimic behavior in some other editors. I'd go with that.

  • On the subject of tiled backgrounds, is there any reason you can't animate one? I have a tiled animation, and it'd be nice to be able to tile it without having many many copies of a single sprite, just for a background image.

  • I've submitted a bug report to the tracker, as it constantly crashes for me.

  • I -think- I understand what you're saying. I think it's bloody unintuitive, since I'd rather construct deal with one member of a family at a time, but I think I understand. Thanks for the help! I may disagree with how it works, but this is how it works, so I'll have to live with it.

  • Uploaded here.

  • In this cap, the desired behavior is that the skeleton walk straight forwards until it hits the edge of the platform, and then turn around. Each skeleton SHOULD do this itself, ignoring the others.

    What ACTUALLY happens is that as soon as one skeleton hits the edge, they ALL turn around and go the other way, in sync.

    I'm told that my code should work. So what is going wrong?

  • No, I'm not using the system compare object. I'm doing a straight-from-the-wizard enemy angle comparison.

    I just tried the "For each Enemy" condition outside the whole set, and it inverts the behavior. Instead of requiring ALL enemies to reach the ledge before turning around, now as soon as a SINGLE enemy reaches the edge, ALL enemies turn around in sync.

    Here's the new event block:

    +For each Enemy

    ++Enemy.Angle = 0

    +++Terrain offset(10,2)

    ---Enemy: Set horizontal speed to 100


    ---Enemy: Set angle to 180

    ++Enemy.Angle = 180

    +++Terrain offset(-10,2)

    ---Enemy: Set horizontal speed to -100


    ---Enemy: Set angle to 0

  • I have the following events set up for an enemy with the platform behavior.

    +Enemy.Angle = 0

    ++Terrain offset(10,2)

    --Set horizontal speed to 100


    --Enemy: Set angle to 180

    +Enemy.Angle = 180

    ++Terrain offset(-10,2)

    --Set horizontal speed to -100


    --Enemy: Set angle to 0

    This makes the enemy walk back and forth along the platform it is standing on. Works great! That is, until I add a copy of the enemy to the layout. Then, it no longer works until ALL the enemies reach the edge of their platform.

    How can I make this work for each enemy separately?

  • That's probably why it didn't work for me... okay!

    Actually, no. It still doesn't work. In fact, it makes my game crash...

  • No, I'm talking about having a consise If/Then/Else statement embedded into an event's action, without requiring an IF/ELSE event.

    Instead of



    --Set Variable to X


    --Set Variable to Y

    you'd have


    -Set Variable to (SubCondition ? X : Y )

    This is the extent of my suggestion. It's simply shorthand.

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  • Yes.

    Not a high priority feature request or anything, I just think it'd be a nice option to have.

  • When you have a lot of objects, finding the one you want can get tricky. Why not have a +expand organization feature using families? So instead of seeing all your objects, you'd see






    And then clicking the [+] would expand out all the objects in that family.

    Objects without a family would always be visible, so if you don't use families, behavior won't be changed. Alternatively, non-family objects could be auto placed into a "No Family" family.

  • The Behavior "Platform" has an option associated with it, labeled "Allow bunny hop". This is an option that is apparently only accessible from the Layout Editor. Clearly, it must be a variable somewhere in the object itself. The Event wizard does not allow for a way to access this variable, either to compare it for conditions, or to set it.