Fib's Forum Posts

  • You are amazing. Thank you!

  • Darn. Would anyone else besides me find it extremely useful to read the collision polygon points?

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  • I'm mostly talking about sprites. Is there a way to read the collision polygon points similar to how you can read image points?

    For example on a sprite, you can do ImagePointX and ImagePointY. I don't see any expression like this for collision polygon points.

    If not that would be an excellent new feature.

  • Yes because THAT'S WHY C2 is better.

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  • You must use an "impulse file" to generate the reverb. The Effects Example has some files you could check and maybe use.


    I don't know why I didn't think to check the examples. Thank you!

  • I'm looking to achieve a reverb effect through C3 somewhat like the reverb effect in Audacity. I don't see a reverb effect in the audio plugin but I'm not an audio expert so not sure if it can be achieved through multiple effects maybe. I see that the word "reverb" is used in the description of the "Convolution" effect.


    This allows for real-world locations to be recorded and the environment reverb applied to games

    So is it possible to achieve a reverb effect through C3?

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  • Ohhh I see what you meant now. I just misunderstood. Thanks Nepeo.

  • Do you mean you don't want your objects to overlap each other while they're moving along the path?

  • Hey Nepeo, you stated:

    It should be relatively easy to convert these files into webm if you so wish. Audio is played by name, ignoring type, so swapping file types shouldn't effect your event sheets.

    That isn't fully true.... right? There's 2 events for playing an audio file, Audio: Play and Audio: Play (by name). Your statement is only true if you use play by name. If you delete your audio files and you used Audio: Play all of the events referencing that audio file will be deleted also. I just tested it in r172. Which is the reason why I only ever use play by name.

  • You can tween any layout/layer effect by associating it with a variable. For example I will use the "Exposure" effect. Create a global variable named "exposureVal".

    Then in the event sheet do:

    System: Every tick ---> System: Set layout effect parameter (Effect="Exposure", Parameter Index=0, Value=exposureVal)

    Now you can simply do a value tween on the variable "exposureVal" to control the effect.


    To control it using a timeline is a little more difficult but not too bad. You must create an object (sprite object for example) since timelines only work on instances of objects. This will probably work best if you only have 1 instance of the object in the layout.

    Add an instance variable on the object. Do the same as above in the the event sheet (set the effect parameter in every tick event but use the object instance variable instead). Then place an instance of that object in the layout somewhere. Then add the instance to a timeline. In the timeline, right click the object instance and click "Add properties". Then add the instance variable as a property to the timeline.

    Now you can indirectly control the effect in a timeline. Remember this is only needed for layout/layer effects. If you want to control an object effect, you can do that directly in the timeline by adding the effect as a property.

  • You could explore the use of containers, which may make it easier to accomplish that.

    Basically you need a sprite that can be manipulated (scaled, rotated, etc.), then sprites that represent the "controllers" as you call them. Then put those sprites together in a container so you can easily pick them in the event sheet.

    I can't provide you too much more since your question is very broad. Let me know if there's more detailed questions you have.

  • I don't see an attached file.

    Which part are you having trouble with? Loading the data? Or placing the objects in your level correctly based on the array data?

  • In the Audio plugin there's an action named "Set Playback Rate". A value of 0.5 makes the sound playback at half speed (lower pitch & slower tempo), a value of 2 makes it play at double speed (higher pitch & faster tempo).

    I don't believe there's a way to change the tempo or pitch separately by default in C3.