FFStudios's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • I tried to go back to Tom Mahler's X2Audio video but he's taken it off his site and the link is broken, cause much expressive primal rage.

    I formatted my PC about a month ago and I lost all track of Construct. Today I re-installed it and am continuing to work on my GT1 clone. However, I've forgotten how to play music through X2Audio.

    I have X2 added as an object and I've imported my music into the Music tab of Resources.

    When I go to create an event "Start of layout -> Play music from file" it gives me something about AppPath and Filename. When I go to go "Start of layout -> Play music from resource" there is no file in the drop down list.

    I'm pretty P.O'ed and I was wondering if there was any back-up of Mr. Mahler's video anywhere or if someone can just tell me what I'm doing wrong.

  • you don't need any events for it. The wall should be solid, select your wall sprite and check the 'solid' option in the Attributes panel.

    There isn't a "solid" option. There's a tab that says "Collisions" and under it there's "None", "Point", "Bounding Box", and "Per Pixel"

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  • Okay, I'm making that Driver clone in Construct. Everything is going smoothly except for the walls/buildings.

    I have it set so the car stops and bounces off the wall, but I find that if I hold the acceleration key (Up Arrow), it bounces, but then will continue to go through, albeit slowly, the wall.

    Here's the cap file for you to look at. Don't mind the sprites for the road, those are just rough drafts and will be different in the final.



  • [quote:1caj7u43]I'm having trouble coding the car. I set the Behavior to car, but it makes the arrow keys control all opposites. For example, I'd hit the Up Arrow and it'd go backwards and vice versa for the other keys.

    this will be happening because the orientation of your car is wrong. It should be facing right(-->)

    to fix it, double click on your sprite car, the picture editor will open, rotate your car so it's facing right(-->)

    Are you a wizard? That fixed it!

    Also, I don't see any other fitting forum to place this in.

  • I'm having trouble coding the car. I set the Behavior to car, but it makes the arrow keys control all opposites. For example, I'd hit the Up Arrow and it'd go backwards and vice versa for the other keys.

    I'd rather not set it to 8 Direction because that limits my abilities to work with the car. Is there a way to fix this?

  • I was recently playing the game of my childhood, Driver, on my PS3 the other day. This was around 5 to 6 days after I had found Construct and had been messing around with it. While reminiscing about playing the game, I came up with the brilliant idea of possibly creating the "Take a Ride" mode in the game in Construct. My aim is to include police/damage/civilian cars. As a new user, this will not only be a difficult challenge but a way to get to learn the ins and outs of Construct.

    I have a car sprite and I've created road sprites on my own. My only problem is the buildings. I don't know if anyone has top-down building sprites left over from something they've done, but I can't seem to make one of those.

    If anyone has any tips/constructive criticism/2D building sprites, feel free to leave them here. I hope to start this/post screenshots within the week.

  • The resource folders are all under the "Project" bar on the right side, which should be on by default. If not, you can toggle it on by going to the "Home" tab at the top and clicking "Project" in the "Bars" section.

    Sounds need to be placed in the "Files" folder for the XAudio2 plugin to find them.

    Oh, okay! So I need to put the sound files in the "Files" folder in the Scirra directory?

  • I'm trying to use XAudio2 (using the latest version of Scirra by the way) to play a sound when an enemy is killed.

    However, I can't load the .wav file into resources because I don't have that particular bar and I have no clue how to get it. Can someone help me?

  • 8 posts