Fengist's Forum Posts

  • Loopindex doesn't work in For Each element loops. Either use System For loop, or Array.CurValue expression.

    Actually, that's not even "For Each element" loop on your screenshot, it's "For Each instance".


    Thanks. Just used to php and throwing that array in there and expecting a foreach for each of it's elements.

    Knew I was doing something totally stupid.

  • And just as a test I set that EmailTitle to the MailDeleteArray.AsJson and it appears to be properly loading the CSV so... it must be in my concatenation.

  • Ok, I know I'm missing something just blatantly obvious here but for the life of me, it's kicking my ****

    I have a JS in my HTML that's calling this Get Checked Mail ID function each time a checkbox is clicked. It's passing a csv of numbers to this function with each checkbox ID. Ex - 9,3,4,2,5

    I'm splitting that csv into an array and doing a foreach.

    What I'm trying to build is a URL with an array to post with ajax, similar to this:

    example.com/api The purpose of this function is to build that URL array and save it to a string.

    What I get from this code is the first element in the csv/array (delete_emails[]=9) and none of the others.

    I know the csv looks good passed from the JS. What I can't tell because the JS won't run in debug is whether the array is getting populated correctly or my concatenation is screwed up. Which is why for now I'm just setting that EmailTitle to the string it creates.


  • If you are loading the js into an html element you can do this:

    parent.c3_callFunction("MyFunction", [MyParam]);

  • I'm a little late to this but, my suggestions are:

    1. Only work with a developer in the same country as you.

    2. Get a legal Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) signed.

  • Ok, only thing that comes to mind is that chrome has a habit of caching JS scripts, especially if you're pulling them in from a remote location. One of the old tricks is to add a version number to the JS file name... myjsfile10.js When you change that js, change the file name... myjsfile11.js. Chrome will see the new file name and fetch it instead of using the cached copy.

    Another thing you can do in the preview is to try hitting ctl-f5 or ctl-r. Both of those force the everything to reload including images and js files.

  • Just curious, have you tried sending your query as an ajax request? Don't forget to set your CORS header if you do.

    Which makes me wonder, have you checked the debug console to see if there are any errors. I know a CORS error in the AJAX won't return anything but it will produce a console error.

    I'm not using any mod rewrites but I am using wordpress as a game server. What I do with it is have it look for a specific /foo/bar in any incoming request and if that directory is in the url, I pass the query on to the game server code which returns a JSON. Otherwise, it hands back off to the wordpress code and displays the website.

  • someone else answered a similar question in a much easier way.


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  • Well I'm not sure how your game works but local storage is a simple var storage. I use it in my game to store the users login info (remember me). It's not secure so don't store anything important. But you could for example set the level they last completed. Next time the game runs, get the level from local storage and go to the next level layout. Store points, coins, etc.

  • There's even a Unity decompiler. Used it to figure out the code to mod Kerbals.

    Years ago a guy wrote a packet sniffer that ripped Eve Online packets apart to get market data.

    No game is safe.

    Good news! The instant your software gets cracked, you join an elite rank of programmers. It means you did something right.

  • Local storage?

  • Tried that. GPT even recognized the link to the sdk git. Asked it to create a simple addon. It totally screwed it up.

  • Umm not positive what you're referring to. If you're talking about adding an object to a layout, it's right click, insert new object, select the object like "sprite" then click the button "Insert". Don't think you can drag and drop those.

  • Right, both the uuid and sha are setting a c3 variable which will be ajax posted to the server. The general idea is a basic verification system that can't be copy/pasted.

    Saved me much gnashing of teeth. Appreciate it!