feeblethemighty's Forum Posts

  • Heh, thanks for giving a shot regardless of the sadistic difficulty! Again, this is my first game ever and i'm not exactly a level designer so i just made them hard.

    Actually, you almost made it to the end of the game. That platform mess screen is the second last one. Would you give it more of a shot if the game saved checkpoints to a file so you can close the game and come back to it later?

    Also, since you seem to be a seasoned Constructor, how would you make the moving platforms? I seem to be having trouble getting the player to land on them correctly.

    And, i'm sure you noticed this, but the music will sound different every time it restarts. I tried using the "play music from file" option in the AudioX object, but then it seems to start the song twice. So, i had to use "autoplay sound from file" for the music. Any ideas?

    A walkthrough might be fun. I'll see what i can do.

    EDIT: Sorry, playthrough. Also, Deadeye, not sure if you're interested, but i'm curious what someone who's been using Construct for a while might say about how i've been using the program. If i sent you the cap, would you poke around it and give me some pointers? If not, that's cool too.

  • I finished my first game in Construct! Hooray!

    In GUYMAN HERO, you star as the titular GUYMAN who is trying to save his planet from the infernal aliens. I love my platformers to be hair-tearing hard (think "I Wanna be the Guy" and "MoneySeize") and i think this one is no different.

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1289061/Gunman/gunman%20screenie.png">

    Game Updated on 2010-01-30


    Update: 2010-01-13


    I'm working on a more fully featured version. Stay tuned.

  • Oh. I must be confused because all of the sprites i'm working with are white.

    Thanks for the tip.

  • Hey folks,

    I feel a little silly about this one.

    I can't seem to figure out how to draw custom sprite collision masks in the newest unstable version of Construct. I click on the collision mask button and the red box appears but i don't know how to edit it.


  • Hey, so i figured out how to use the mask effect.

    Make two layers and put a graphic on the bottom one which you want to show through. Then on the top one, put whatever you want to use as the mask. Then click the top layer, add the mask effect and voila!

    Thing is, it seems to not refresh. If i move anything on the top layer, it leaves a trail. Anyone care to take a crack at this?

    EDIT: Here's a look at a game i'm making with my first attempt at using the mask effect. The bottom layer is just a gradient and the top layer has all the sprites. See how it makes trails? How do you stop this?

    EDIT 2: Oh, i just achieved the same effect by putting the gradient on the top layer and using the Additive effect.

  • Hey, just trying to figure out these effects too. The examples you posted above aren't working. When i open the file, Construct says out of memory or gives me an error.

    Can you make another example for me?

  • Weird. Guess i'll just wait for the fix i suppose.

    Hey, what's with the Collision Mask button in the sprite editor and why doesn't it do anything? Or does it do something, i just don't know what to do with it?

  • Bumping this because i am also having difficulties with the new collision mask thing.

    For me, when i try right clicking and then selecting "launch explorer", a window pops up that just has a text file labelled "stub". No image files at all. And i just downloaded the latest version of Construct yesterday.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thanks for the reply!

    I checked the debugger and there doesn't seem to be a memory leak or anything (i think). So, i don't think i have to leave it sitting overnight. But feel free to check the cap below if you feel so inclined.


    (You can move the white ball around with the arrow keys or the mouse. It's only a temporary way of testing collisions)

    Like colours will attach to each other, but i still don't know of a good way of grouping them so i can perform actions on the group as a whole. Any ideas?

  • Hey folks,

    I'm trying to make a sort of match-3 style game using physics. So, there will be a number of coloured boxes falling from the top of the screen and you can smash them into each other and when they do, similarly coloured boxes stick together and when you have 3 or more boxes, they will disappear or do something.

    I tried making a "when box collides with box" event then having a "make a hinge between box and box" action, but it doesn't work. Is it getting confused at which box to make a hinge to? How do i differentiate the collider and the collid...ee?

    Also, i'm curious as to how i'm going to link the boxes together so i can perform some sort of action on them. I noticed the ObjectPairer object and tried looking up some info on it, but found none. Can someone fill me in on how that thing works and also let me know if it will help me in my endeavours?

    Any ideas will be much appreciated.


    EDIT: Okay, well i found a way to make the hinges work.

    The box object is now the member of two different families and when i do the events and actions, i make sure to use the opposing families. For example, in the event i put "when family1 collides with family2" then in the action i put "make hinge between family1 and family2".

    Now that the boxes lock into place with one another, the question is: does this mean that hinges keep getting made on every step? Is this going to cause some sort of memory leak?

  • Great! Using the "once for each object" system condition works perfectly.

    I suppose to solve it by comparing private variables within the object there needs to be some condition statements under an object's physics tab (which i'm guessing is on the todo list for the next Construct version) then i could just compare "object[physics].velocityx" with the object's private variable.

    Thanks for the help!

  • Hey folks,

    I'm new to this whole Construct thing, but i've used similar programs like Game Maker. So far, i'm enjoying this program a whole lot more.

    Anyways, i've been tinkering around a little and i have this little game where i want a bunch of physics objects to scoot around the screen from side to side. When they hit an object and their velocityx reaches zero (or close to it) they change direction. Problem is, the way i have it set up now, they all change direction at the same time and i don't know how to change the event sheet so that i change only the private variable of the object instance the event occurs for. (i hope that makes sense) How do i make it so that they function independently of each other?

    To see an example, check out the cap below:


    I would like this question answered so i can figure out how exactly events and private variables work with each other. But also, if you have better ideas on how to make these objects change direction when they hit a wall, let me know that too.
