feeblethemighty's Forum Posts

  • Okay, so i installed ActiveState which came with PythonWin something or other and now it seems i can actually run .py files from the command prompt. I think that is a step in the right direction. But now, when i run "setup.py" i get this:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1289061/Pics/python%20frustration.PNG">

    GAH! Why can't it just work?

    EDIT: Great. So, apparently py2exe is just not working with Python 2.6. Check out the bug tracker here.

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  • Weird. I solved the path problem...kind of.

    I realized that my python path was python2 instead of python26 like it's supposed to be, so i reinstalled python to the new directory. I tried the "setup.py py2exe" in my "c:\pythonery" directory where i have hello.py and setup.py, and as soon as i hit enter, Windows7 pops up the "what program would you like to use to open setup.py?" window. I tried selecting the exe in the py2exe directory but it doesn't do anything.

    Not sure where i should go with this. I'd really like to get Python with Construct up and running.

    EDIT: Holy hell this is annoying. For some reason, i cannot associate .py files with the Python executable. I think that's why it's not working. If anyone has any ideas, i'm all ears.

  • So i'm going through your tutorial part one, coding Python through IDLE, but i can't seem to get the "setup.py" script to work. I made the "hello.py" script, got it to work through IDLE, made the "setup.py" script and typed in "setup.py py2exe" in the command window but get nothing. No output, no dist directory.

    Could it be that i'm running Windows 7? For some reason the py2exe installer wouldn't work unless i made it compatible for WinXP.

  • Sigh. That's what i thought. Thanks for humoring me anyways!

  • Damn. That is sad news.

    Do you know how that would work in Python? Would it be a smooth enough transition to be good enough for a presentation style setting?

  • Anyone know the status on fixing this AVI object?

    'Cause when it gets fixed, Construct could then be used as a piece of rather powerful multimedia presentation software. I've been trying to find something like powerpoint that does video too and this is the closest thing i've found so far except that the video does not go away when moving to the next layout.

    Please fix this!

  • Hey everybody,

    I'm making an updated version of Guyman Hero, my entry into the TIGSource Assemblee competition.

    The new version has some slightly updated visuals, a flashlight mechanic, and new level design. Please check it out on GameJolt to try it out. I'd really appreciate some feedback.

    Please note that the levels are far from complete, so they will eventually just run out. Don't worry, i'm working on it.

    Here is a screenshot to whet your appetite.

    <img src="http://www.feeblethemighty.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/guyman-hero-generic1.png">


  • Hmm...once again i am skeptical of users whose posts are all advertisements for a website. It sounds a little too good to be true.

  • This snake thing is pretty sweet. I'd love to know how it works. I hope you're still working on it.

  • Yeah, i'll have to agree that the controls are really strange.

    But you got the mood of the game down. The music and the graphics fit well together.

  • Hey,

    I've done a bit of tinkering around with this problem too. Here's one way to do it (though there are probably more, way prettier ways to do it. for example check out madsters "Dark Asteroids" game):

    Take a look at this cap. Arrow keys move, mouse points flashlight.

    Basically for my solution you need at least two layers. The top one needs to have the Multiply effect on it. Then create a white gradient in some sort of graphics program like the GIMP in the shape that you want your flashlight to have. In the cap, I've made the gradient larger around the player so you can see what you're doing. The layer beneath the top one should have your game elements like your player, etc.

    You can stop there, but in the cap, you'll see that i've added a light object and some shadow caster objects. Take careful note how the layers are set up and what is in them.

    Hope this helps.

  • How about a few short quick jokes? Okay then!

    A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel on his crotch. The bartender asks him "what the heck is that wheel for?" The pirate responds, "YAAR! IT'S DRIVIN' ME NUTS!"

    Thank you! And for my next joke...

    How do you titillate an ocelot?

    You oscillate the tit a lot.

  • This is due to the plugin being incompatible with the saving and loading features. I was never able to get it to work correctly because none of the devs ever explained how I was supposed to deal with object pointer serialization. I'll try and get this working at some point, but I wouldn't hold your breath.

    Well, it would've been a nice feature for my game, but i suppose i don't need to use it. But i will certainly be following your progress. I may hold my breath anyways......

  • ...that being said, i have found a bug.

    I am using the Advanced Camera with the "Follow Uniform Grid" method on my "Player" object. If i quicksave then quickload, the camera stops working and ceases to follow the player when it walks off-screen.

    Here's a link to a modified version of the example you sent with the Advanced Camera download:

    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1289061/Constru ... %20bug.cap

    Use "S" to quicksave, then press "L" to quickload and notice how the camera stops following the player. At first i thought it was because i hadn't checked off the "no serialize" box, but that didn't work. Neither did making it global.

    Anyways, check it out. It would be awesome if this could be fixed because it works great otherwise.

    EDIT: Also, in case you were wondering, i am using Construct version 99.83

  • Truly, you are a hero, linkman. This is amazing.