Fatal Exit's Forum Posts

  • Great post dude! Very cool ideas, I hope some of this can be implemented down the line. 💛

  • After starting work on it over 1 year ago, and then procrastinating a bunch, Thinking with Wormholes is finally here to play.

    Thinking with Wormholes is a 2D, top down space arcade game. It is inspired by Asteroids, but with a unique portal mechanic and a retro GameBoy inspired aesthetic.

    Here's a link to the game's page.


    And here's a link to a gameplay video!

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Hoping to also launch an android version soon!

  • This is an amazing development. The only issue I really had with Construct at all was its desktop export bloat, I could have a low poly 3D Unity game that had a download a lot smaller than a pixel art C3 game using the old Node Exporter. I tended to publish pretty much only web builds with C3 for this reason, mobile also similarly having the benefit of a small file-size.

    As I have a somewhat limited upload speed on my internet connection, I am really happy to see this and hopefully not having to re-upload a 200mb file for a bug-fixed game build 10 times over the course of a few hours, when the game itself is a tiny fraction of that.

    I really hope this continues into development, even if it ends up being Windows only (or until a similar solution is available for the other desktop OS). I think this will also hopefully make Construct a lot more competitively viable for making mini PC games with tiny download sizes, compared to similar engines that just compile a build without packaging a ton of libraries.

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    Progress as of yesterday!

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    Just started this project earlier today, not 100% sure where it's going to go, but it is taking inspiration from both Asteroids and Portal (with a hint of Galaga inspired space shooters.)

    I am hoping that it will support both Desktop and Mobile.

  • Also made a scirra arcade build if anyone is interested:


  • Here's a link to the game if anyone wants to try: https://cilliancreates.itch.io/neon-depths

    It's a HTML5 build so it should work cross platform (and even on mobile)

    This is a prototype demo (somewhat like a vertical slice) to gauge if people would like me to continue working on this project. Initially begun in January 2020, though there were lots of breaks, it took about 2 1/2 months of casual solo dev to create this (I created all assets, programming, animations, sound and music, other than using a Kenney font, and using some of his UI designs as a base.)

    There are 6 Levels Currently including 2 unique Boss Levels. There is a level select system once you have unlocked levels.

    The game is playable with touch controls, mouse, keyboard & gamepad though the ingame menu doesn't yet function with gamepad so you need the mouse for that.

    There is an options menu where you can adjust master audio, music, graphics settings (disables a few FX and godrays on low, use low if performance isn't great, (please don't mess with this on mobile as I am not sure if it wil do bad stuff)) and a reset save function.

    Demo created with Construct 3, Affinity Designer, Tilesetter, Creature2D, JuiceFX, Reason & Fl Studio.

    Here are some screenshots if anyone is interested!

    And here's a quick Youtube video:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • I should have thought about music! I imagine that makes up a large chunk (probably the majority) of the remaining 165MB. Should have thought about that because I have more experience as a composer/music producer than a dev haha.

    Thanks for all this info on this project, looks really cool, and quite unique when it comes to today's games. I wish you luck on steam!

  • I can't imagine how much of a nightmare using cloud save on a project that large would be. I just thought about that haha.

    I think the largest project I have created in C3 was around 30MB. Your project is more like a UE4 one. But obviously the video content explains that. I would be curious as to the full size of the project not including the videos would be (bet it's tiny in comparison.)

    But props for making a game like this. I used to love games with cheesy FMV cutscenes like the Command and Conquer series.

  • And the award for the biggest Construct project goes to...👏👏👏

    (In terms of storage space!)

  • Looks really cool 👍!

  • Thanks for sharing this, these are fantastic! Must bookmark these tweets!

  • I don't know if this is new today, but now when I go onto personal license pricing, I see a monthly option.

    I am living in Europe and I don't know if this is a worldwide thing, but if it is it is amazing and will hopefully change the opinion of some of the naysayers.

    I am still probably going to keep paying for the yearly sub, but hopefully some more people will be able to try the full version out now.

    Thanks for supporting the community Scirra/Construct Team!

  • Looks really good! 👍

    Best of luck with the launch!

    My name on here is different to my Twitter, but I was talking to you on there yesterday about your plugins.

  • Thanks very much for the responses. My game is on Newgrounds, Itch.io, Gamejolt and last but not least the Scirra Arcade, it is called "You have 3 lives" I'm not gonna link it here because this isn't the place to do that.

    Speaking more about C3 one of my favorite things so far is the export functionality in C3, I'm not sure why but it just seems so much more simple to use than C2. And it's really fast. When people were reporting bugs in my game when I got home I'd fix them ASAP and then render and upload a new build within a couple of minutes.

    The filesizes are amazing when it comes to HTML5 Games also. I wasn't too impressed with the results when I was rendering out Node.Webkit builds for a friend, (I've slow internet) but when it came to uploading a game to the HTML5 sites, I ended up with a 6 megabyte file which included all the music, graphics, and spoken audio for the cutscenes, as well as the rest of the game.

    Maybe this was all here while I was using C2, but when I was a C2 user that export functionality for some reason seemed really intimidating. After having done it finally in C3 it feels like something I can do again quite easily.

    And I certainly agree with the bright future part, Construct has been a tool that interested me since it's classic days. I'm really interested to see how version 3 works out in the long run. Really looking forward to it launching fully out of beta. And I hope the updates keep up . Though I understand most likely not so fast as during the jam.

    I hope you receive more positive feedback from your users following the jam, it was one of the best experiences of my life so far (After having being trying to make a game since I was about 13, I'm now 21). So thanks Scirra and Newgrounds for facilitating that.