facecrime's Forum Posts

  • Interesting stuff, thanks for sharing

    Good luck with the project:)

  • We have first set of graphics in, complete with some reworked mechanics for enemy detection, fading out buildings that occlude the player and a few more blocked out test maps.

    do check the test map on the arcade - feedback is appreciated

  • Hi everyone,

    I'd like to know how advisable the usage of tilemaps is for mobile devices.

    Atm I have two tilemaps (i.e. floors and buildings) in my project of which i have multiple instances of varying sizes per layout.

    The maps are around 500x1000 pixels large, since it's top down i do 1 to 3 screen-sized Floor instances per layout and around 15 to 20 individual building instances per layout.

    I wouldnt have considered that to be a lot, on pc performance is ok, but testing on my samsung galaxy a3 i realize its causing a major slowdown.

    Take a look here:

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/action-ga ... aven-23421

    Now can anyone help me with specific constraints, is it recommended to:

    • break up the large maps into many smaller maps?
    • rather avoid having too many instances?
    • not to have large instances?

    How to best use tilemaps?

  • Top notch! Always happy to see professional quality stuff coming out of C2.

    I'd be curious as to how you are set up for localisation, what kind of resources do you have?

    Assuming you didn't create the language databases yourself?

    Are there licensed databases?

    And how much manual work did you put into content creation? I see some things that might be generated but others like the silhouette guessing which probably require manual setup?

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  • Nice one

    How did you set up the camera focus? Is it a steady increment or do you base it on object positions?

  • Cool!

    Neat usage of the layering technique.

    But also a nicely rounded package with the sound and menu visuals.

    Controls get cluncky when rubbing against 'npcs'.

    Cool game jam entry anyway

  • ikkante thanks for the feedback and your offer:)

    Will be PMming you

  • dop2000 thanks for the reply,

    now i have the additional challenge that i want to fill up a meter during that charge up. from what i understand you only calculate the charged amount on release, hence the value can be displayed growing during hold.

    i'd have to add a flag that i'd set upon first clicking, while this is valid i do the charge up, so i can display it growing. then on release i'd stop it.

    rather ugly, do you have a better suggestion?

  • Hi everyone,

    I want to charge up when holding the button, using touch controls.

    On release of the button I release the charge.

    Buttons have an on button clicked event which reacts to releasing, so the later part is covered.

    But the only hold event i find is touch object and that doesnt seem to work, not sure what it's supposed to do.

    Anyone have an idea how to get a OnholdButton

    Interaction registered?

  • Wait, wait , don't tell, it's just sine and cosine isn't it? It's always that, gee ... gotta maths harder

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm gonna be laughed at for this, but how do I derive "the Y vector" (as in the 8Direction behavior action) from an angle? How the x vector?

  • Mikal thanks!

    Neat idea, walls blocking sound. Could be a simple LoS check upon collision with the sound.

    Could be checking against another type of indoor walls, so I get the option of indoor scenarios where sound can't travel as far.

    So far I was not gonna need it since I'm thinking of very open city scenarios.

    But if I end up running out of level design ideas it might add this kinda additional depth.

  • So i decided to treat myself and do a small side project. Lets see how that works out ...

    You play raven girl which has to free the ravens that are held captive all across the town.

    Enemies react to sound and vision, avoid them or take them down.

    I declare the mechanics to be complete and now move on to grafics. Not a strong suit of mine.

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/action-ga ... aven-23421

    [Space]: Takedown

    approach guards unnoticed to kill them with a single blow

    [Shift]: Crouch

    move slowly or hide behind low obstacles (grey)

    [Ctrl]: Throw rock

    create noise to attract or distract guards


    Update 13.03.2018:

    We have a few testmaps set up, would appreciate some playtesting and feedback.

    Details below!

    Update 23.01.2018:

    So we got some basic visuals in: check the test level with a first set of environment tiles!

    Arcade version has been updated - feedback is appreciated!

  • Cool, great graphics.

    Animation feels a bit choppy. Still cool.

  • Love this

    Striking sound, too, contributes a lot!