faamorim's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • Hey there guys, i'm here to share with you all my little creation.


    Thanks Scirra for the amazing Construct 2, and thanks to everyone on the forum. You guys helped me a lot! :D

  • > I do the same with my sound

    can you explain this more? what do you do with your sounds? and why..

    I think he said he uses an Event Sheet to control all the game sound, and then just include that Event Sheet in all other Event Sheets. So you dont have to put the same code all over again in all layout...

  • What about using "If any button pressed" and then an "Else" after?


  • You can use two (or more) diferent objects with Plataform Movement behavior, remove the default control, and assign diferent controls to each player. To keep them from moving too far from each other and to keep both of them on screen you can create an object just to be the "camera" and apply the Scroll To behavior and always set the position of the camera to middle point between the two players (or more than two): camera.x = (player1.x + player2.x)/2

    And to keep them to moving out of the screen you can create two walls as Solid objects and set the position of the walls as camera.x - viewport.width/2 and camera.x + viewport.width/2...

    Hope I was clear enough... =S

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  • like an implosion?

    Something like that... I wanted it to explode and then implode. Exactly like the capx, but i wanted the center of the explosion/implosion to move, and I dont know how to do that with the particles... =/

  • Try

    File/Preferences and click 'Reset Dialogs'.

    You... Saved... My life!


    Thank you very much, sir! :D

  • Hi everyone! \o/

    So, I was trying to make a Blood Drain Effect, and what I tried to do was to create a one-shot 360 degrees Particle with negative acceleration so the particles would go back to the center. But I wanted the particles to be the blood drained, so it would start at a point, and then move to another point. Maybe it's kinda hard to understand because I'm not the best at explaining stuff, but I did what I could and I found no way to move the X and Y of the Particles. So It would start at a point and would not move. What I did to try to explain what I wanted to do was to use Paralaxe and move the view so it would be visually the same as what I want to reach, but Its probably not the best way to do that.


    Controls: Mouse click!

    The Drain will start at the mouse position and will be drained to the green thing at the upper left corner...

    I dont know if there is a way to do that, so, can someone help me? :D

    Thanks to everyone! ^^

  • Hi everyone, I don't know why, but my Construct 2 UI is kinda weird, I almost can't explain, so there is a screenshot:

    <img src="http://imageshack.us/a/img823/2908/tuvd.png" border="0" />

    Can someone help me? D:

    I don't know what to do! >.>

  • 8 posts