ou can use two (or more) diferent objects with Plataform Movement behavior, remove the default control, and assign diferent controls to each player. To keep them from moving too far from each other and to keep both of them on screen you can create an object just to be the "camera" and apply the Scroll To behavior and always set the position of the camera to middle point between the two players (or more than two): camera.x = (player1.x + player2.x)/2
it's worked, but...
And to keep them to moving out of the screen you can create two walls as Solid objects and set the position of the walls as camera.x - viewport.width/2 and camera.x + viewport.width/2...
Hope I was clear enough... =S
i not understand, what is "viewport.width/2"? i can't make this
and how to make to the camera follow players in Y? I tried the same way as with the X, but it did not work.