exkage's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • Hi Dzaky,

    This may help a slight bit.


    As for the combo system, you might work that out by using a variable to keep track of the current combo count, and play an animation based on the current combo count.

    You could check if the combo count is > 0, then a sub-event, trigger once

    And under the trigger once, use a "wait" action, for like 1 second, or however long you'd like it before the combo counter resets itself.

    Then reset the combo to 0.

    Hope that helps, or at least points you in the right direction.

  • Hi Ayrton,

    Sorry if this doesn't work, but it's the only thing I could think of.

    You could upload a dictionary in JSON format, then in your projects, you could download the JSON dictionary and change the key for the starting layout... Then in the actual game, on the start of layout one, check for the layout number, if one, issue the alert, if two, clear the key (to prevent reloads without the launcher in theory), then change the layout.

    All in theory anyways.

    Hope it helps.

  • Hi shaowebb,

    If you're using the platform behavior, you could change the max speed parameter of the behavior in an action, then set the vector x (and vector y if you want a slight jumping or hopping effect) to a number higher than the max speed... But just make sure to set the max speed back after x seconds.

    Hope that helps.

    Edit: Could also make a boolean for when he is dashing to prevent "infinite dashing".

  • Firstly, if you select the sprite with the pixellate effect, you'll notice the default parameters in the properties panel. Some effects have more than one parameter, so when you go to set one in an action, you may have to change the parameter index, i.e. 0,1,2,3...

    Otherwise, I've never exported to an exe, so I can't answer the main question effectively, my apologies.

  • Hi Matty7262,

    Sorry, but the problem is a little vague. I understand what is happening, but I can't understand why. Can you upload a screenshot of the event sheet?

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  • Hi MohawkEnderman,

    I wanna be the Boshy is not a web-based game, is it? I think you'd need to call the windows API for that, but I seriously doubt you can achieve that with construct 2.

    That's my 2 cents anyways xD

  • Hi Miceal,

    I haven't used the 8 way movement behavior lol...

    Anyways, I might go about it by creating a first condition for the direction, lets say left...

    Left pressed -Blank

    (sub event)Up pressed or down pressed -Set Animation (left)

    And then another condition

    Up pressed                 -Set Animation (up)

    Xleft down (inverted)

    Xright down (inverted

    And the same thing for down....

    I hope that helps, I haven't tested it in a similar project.

  • Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a tutorial on this subject?

  • As already noted, graphicsgale is a consideration for pixel art. The free version doesn't allow saving (or opening?) of gif's, but that's not an issue, as you can export it as a spritesheet for C2 to use.

    Photoshop is good if you have the money of course, but it's lacking a bit on the animation side.

    I hear Gimp has limited animation support now... Haven't tried it.

    Also would recommend a tablet for most graphics projects... Wacom is a good brand.

  • You should upload to dropbox.com. Most people won't download from any server that bundles the download inside an EXE. (viruses...)Definitely agree... Hesitant at LEAST. Dropbox or google drive, they're both very simple to use, just make the file public.

  • For the smooth scrolling, you could make a group that starts disabled, change the target position variable(s), and make it the view move towards the target at a small increment every tick until it hits the target, then disable the group... But that's still a bit crude, I'm sure lol.

    I haven't had the chance to try any of it, so pardon me if it doesn't work well xD

  • Eh... Not entirely sure what you're getting at.

    What do you mean a 360 map? The closest I can think of is in one of the example projects, Rotating Platformer (or whatever it was called xP)

    Otherwise if you're thinking 3D, Construct 2 may not be the best tool for that.

  • My apologies in advance for not downloading/testing/fixing the game...

    I'll try to answer a couple of the questions at least if you're still having issues, but they may not be exactly what you'd like to hear.

    First problem- Sounds like a problem with the conditions/actions in your event sheet... if it's a timing problem, try inserting a "wait" action BEFORE issuing the health increase... 0.05 seconds should do :P (Sorry if it's unclear or simply doesn't help)

    Second problem- <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Never encountered that issue before... Sorry.

    Third Problem- Sounds like another condition/action problem... I would suggest moving the play sound action to the key pressed condition... If you're using ammo, you could simply a sub-event with a check ammo variable condition... Or something similar.

    Fourth Problem- Well, AI isn't exactly "easy" to work with... And combining those behaviors "can" result in unpredictable results... Time for trial and error I suppose... The new line-of-sight behavior may help, along with AI pathfinding. But again, trial and error.

    The main resolution for most of these problems is digging into the event sheet and testing the changes. If any of these work/don't work, let me know.

  • 13 posts