ex32's Forum Posts

  • already fixed , thank you for advice

  • and the object is invisible as well, so the tap works on everything , visible/invisible , collision, no collision. ah thanks, have to do it another way

  • Hi when i touch,tap object that has collisions disabled , it still working. I thought when i disable collisions on sprites , the tap ot touch should stop working? How can i make it work so it wont react on tap?

  • Is there a way to change sprite to be tileable background? Because i want to use different texture for it, and if it stays sprite, it will stretch and so on, So if i could possibly change the type to tileable background would be good.

  • Thank you , great

  • Hi it would be super if i could open sprite in external image editor, do some adjustements and save the file , and reload the scene and the sprite will update . is there a way to do this? Or do i have to edit the sprite say in paint net, and then start building the level from scratch with this modified sprite?

  • thanks Chupup Games, Best answer.

  • hello, looking for people enjoying playing games , and esspecialy those who like to find bugs everywhere , for testing my little game. If you are interested , let me know. Android phone is needed.

    Skype: Cry.development

  • 2 milions downloads, but i am interested how many people actually bought the license.

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  • Some my friends asked me what i am doing in my free time, i said i am making a games. And the said ohh so you are programmer.

    Well what should i answer if they asked what language i am using. I feel a bit stupid.

  • I am not programmer, but would it be possible to use the event system and to be tranlated into pure java code so it can export natively . Why they are all using html5? Sorry for noob question

  • The intel xdk getting worse everytime they update. I have 23 fps on simple platformer and its unplayable. CoconJs gives me 55fps all the time. Cocon JS should be brought back and be the tool of choice no 1. Also cocon, supports android 2.3 +. XDK 4+ and sucks.

  • where can i find how many times my game was downloaded?

  • here is super simple loading bar for those who need the code. Hope someone finds it useful cheers.

  • delgado most welcome