EvieSupreme's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • Hi all, I'm working on a management game in which little minions known as objWorkers go around performing tasks at different buildings based on an instance variable WorkerJob.

    I've managed to get them to move around, however, several issues are cropping up.

    First issue, when an objWorker reaches their designated objDestination, instead of stopping, they proceed to bump up against the objDestination over and over again, and never truly reach it. I have no idea why this is the case.

    Second issue, several types of workers such as "Farmers" do not pathfind to their objDestination (objDestFarm), and instead try to relocate to objDestStorage (not where they're supposed to go) and the workers who are supposed to go to objDestStorage "Campers" instead try to locate to 0,0.

    Attached are screenshots of the code. If you guys want sample code, I'll whip one up, but for now I'm hoping this is easily solvable.

  • I've been creating several menus to perform specific tasks for a base management game I've been making. I've run into a few problems though, that have been hard to find a way to fix.

    Firstly, I want to be able to find the percentage of a population based on a boolean instance variable. I want to determine which members of the population the boolean is set to true and turn that into a percentage that I can display for players. For instance, of the population of 20 workers, 2 of them have the plague. Therefore the game would show the player that 10% of workers have the plague.

    I also want to do something similar for String Instance Variables. I want to show the players a percentage of the workers that are unemployed, which is determined by a string.

    I'm also wondering if it would be better to change each individual job the workers can have into boolean values and switch them on and off much easier than parsing a string. Let me know your thoughts, and I appreciate any ideas!

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  • Hi, like the title suggests, I'm want to create a game in which a menu displays on the right-hand side of the screen. Depending on which button is being clicked on the menu, I want the menu to change to another. For instance, if I were to be on the Construction tab, I should be able to press the Status tab and it should display the Status tab instead of the Construction tab.

    Currently, I'm using individual object to create the menus I want and using hierarchies to group them together. However, even though hierarchies say child objects are tied to the properties of the parent objects, when I try to make a menu invisible, it instead just makes the parents invisible and leaves the children visible. Attached is a picture of what that looks like versus what it looks like on the work layout.

    I'll also attach the vestiges of code I've done for this project in hope to express what I want in much easier ways.




  • 3 posts