Erndog2k's Forum Posts

  • Wow Thx Alot the Power of True and False Prevails. I was a little sketchy about Construct 2's Booleans T/F Functions. But now I'm set. I wouldn't of been able to create my level mod in Crysis if not for Boolean function, it's soo very widely used and yet so simple in theory.

    Flowgraph I created in Cryengine2 For Crysis, Enable's NPC follow functions. It wouldn't ever work without true and false.

    Anyhow thx alot this will help alot. ez

    p.s Imagine the Construct 2 team, TEAMed Up with Crytek OMG.

    the Power of Cryteks tools combined with the ease of Construct 2s tools

    I can always imagine.

  • I'm working on a simple game were you have to gather certain objects as fast as possible and reach exit, Time taken minus's Score.

    I randomly place an invisible trap underneath each object to be gathered. if you take to long on trap it will cancel your controls and you FAIL. If u are fast enough you can get the object and trap closes behind you, Not on you.

    1. the trap is a simple animation, with another oject that spawns on time to simulate it closing from above view on player.

    2. the problem is that after it, the trap becomes visible and spawns the traps top. the top part, stays visible as well as the trap image underneath.

    3. I want the traps to work individually not as a whole.

    4. If you go up to trap after its visible it replays animation

    5. If I could just stop the animation from replaying on collision I think it would be fine.

    any thoughts

    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • need more support Cryengine has plenty lol n its free too, I think Construct needs to advertise or something go to GDC mybe

  • I bought a BAMBOO touch yeterday so things are rolling right now for me if you havn't bought one I suggest you do its friggin amazing.

  • The tutorial on how to get your game on Facebook is out of date the directions on how to get your game on any phone is bleak, I can't understand how I get my game out there or if my resolutions to big if scale crop is fine 1024x512 on Iphone as my android works fine.

    I know for a fact there are games were the layout is bigger than screensize thats what crop scale is for right?

    No one has a clear to understand answer they just resight the same iphone resolution to me and its annoiying.


    but there is no were it states anything in black and white on how to do anything,.... how?

    is this all a secret?

    I know I don't have the badge for purchasing this product but I did. Just created user afterwards.

    Please someone

    1. 1024x512 (scale mode on) fullscreen on Iphone/android is this accepted

    2. What's the proper use of scale crop feature

    3. how do you get your game out there

    I just need these 3 answered

  • ok so that is the MAX even if the scale crop thing works it's magic.

    well I guess another run through resizing wont kill me at this point.

    arghh lol


    and isn't 640,960 holding the phone stright UP?

    can I set my layout to

    960x640 width/horizontal wise

    I'm pretty sure ther are games on Iphone were layout is bigger than screensize they just crop it down right?

    please I need a clear noob answer lol


    ok this is getting annoiying I can't find one clear Tuorial on how to make your game do anything, except the one to make your game to facebook is very well done and clear.

    I wish there was a clear tut on phone games in general

  • I know that there is a tutorial on supporting maximum screen sizes. however it deosent specifically state 100% that those resolutions are the max allowed limit by apple or not?

    My layout is 1024,512

    top 256 for game bottom 256 touch arrows

    I don't at the moment own an Iphone and only have access to a basic Samsung Android. My layout and game run 100% on this basic old Android so I'd imagine all the newer androids since ill be 150% better.

    I'd just like to know if an Android is sufficent to test on for Iphone and if 1024,512 is too big for apples Iphones.

  • wow my game with thre levels is 12mbs after brute and compress 7zip ulrat awsome 6 levels it is.

    thanks for all of your help, set backgounds to jpg medium, and png's to 8bits

    I dicovered some easy ways of moving the images

    like if I want my resized background of 1024,256 to be at center I just type in position 0,0 so easy and same goes for everything else to an extent.

    I'm going on break soon from this untill ME3 comes out and I beat it and my head explodes from PURE AWSOME EPIC THOR Juice


    the resolution of an Iphone doesn't have to be that resolution does it?

    because I'm quite fine with 1024,512 layout

    it all fits neatly on my momz early gen samsung android

    with odd stutter still but gone after a playthrough.

    I don't know if it was sayed in the tut about multiple screen sizes I didn't see it atleast thx in advance.

    -----Also if that is tha max limit then....------ I could just make it for Ipad? but that will suck if they have that limit it fits?

    I don't own an Iphone yet so I don't really know anything about them to be honest. pure PC guy. lol

  • ok my layout is 2048,1024

    top 512 has my background

    bottom 512 touch controls

    if I made my levels layouts 1024,512

    can I still attain the same results:

    256 top background

    256 bottom touch conrols

    I don't want my images to become all squishy looking, Ok I think I can do it i'm currently making all of my backgrounds (1024,512)

    I think that will be the best optimal rez in my situation.


    Can someone give me there advise on choice of image format im using .png

    it doesn't appear to compress the image at all, just ask's to interlace or not.

    I choose not. I'm still NEW to photoshop and all I need to know right now at this point is best image format I will google it and search forum but if someone can give there personal pref's i'd be very grateful

  • Thank u for all of your advise I just got kinda tired of all of the tut's after in the past two-three months I tought myself:

    Cyengine3(Vet of 2), Google sketch, World Machine, Maya(sorta),Photoshop CS5(gimp 4 GT5 so it was easy), Mudbox, and a bunch of the aspects around them.

    Then 1 week ago I found Construct 2 and here we are. lol

    Check out my youtube channel(profile) you can find alot of my Cryengine work there.

    I sorta just dive in head first into things, don't bother to check for water. lol

    The water being the cushion(Community,n Tut's) in this case. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


    I just exported my level with BRUTE compression then compessed with 7Zip at ultra and it's 12mbs now

    I read that AT&T wont allow 3G/4G downloads of games over 20mbs so I might be good. Just can't make the 12 levels I wanted Oh well 5 or maybe 6 I guess. with different modes for each like time attack or something???? I'll figure it out.

    I tested it on my momz cell as I said it ran great with odd stutter.

    but stuuter is because it's like a streaming movie but game right.

    I bet it would be in good practice to take the time and redo my images but darn. I wish I was a game studio i'd get a lower level to do it. lol


    last note: Keep in mind I want the true version to be on facebook afterwards

  • What is the average size for an Iphone Game anyhow? I read it's about 7-8mbs how is that even possible?...

    What am I doing wrong I cant even think about having to go throught EVERY single image and resizing, unless someone tells me that's what I have to do. or some sort of compression I don't know please help.

    like theres no way all the 3d games on the Iphone are 7-8 mbs so I must have read an old article.

    I'm going to start editing posts lol


    I found this site with all the Iphone games in a list with price and size etc.. ranging anywere from 180mbs for rockband to 7 mbs for solitare

    so I think i'm good if I hit 34mbs compressed extract in constuct2 and that will be about 30 compressed in 7zip or .rar so i'm good now.

    Heck Uno is 75 mbs omg for uno wow

  • I tested it on my momz 1st or second gen samsung android no multi touch and it worked great with the odd stutter that went away after one playthrough. I still think I should lower the rez of the whole thing

    If I wanted to lower the rez of a whole level how would I do that ?

    without having to redo or reimport any thing could I just highlight everythin and shrink it to fit new smaller layout for better performance or wil my backgrounds need to be made to proper sizes?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • > p.s my game so far is 45 mbs unpacked with two levels is that too big?

    My main question is: what do you have in your game that is so large? Is it necessary?

    Yes, that is probably far to big for most smaller-scope games, especially if its delivery mechanism is over the internet. Remember, whoever plays your game (if it's on the internet) has to download it (whether streaming or otherwise)! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Thanks for your input. I have now deleted the crapola out of a bunch of imported created instances that can be just cloned/copied from original. I don't need three of the same object in my game.

    so it's now 26 mbs(unpacked) only two levels well two and a half levels.

    I think it might be the layout size and rez of my background

    2048,1024 I have the top 512 used for my background and game and bottom 512 used for touch controls

    is this layout and rez to big for a small phone game.

  • Thank you for all of you suggestions I will definetly look at the manual,

    your Exaple is exacly what I need thank you soo much I just need to edit the code to minus the score on finish

    p.s my game so far is 45 mbs unpacked with two levels is that too big?

  • Sent you a private Msg with the link and passord thanks for your time and help <img src="smileys/smiley30.gif" border="0" align="middle" />