Ericpro06's Forum Posts

  • 15 posts
  • Hi Eric!

    A clicker game is a good start! It's not that difficult.

    Here's an example of an approach:

    Press to red button to generate clicks

    Press the blue figure to add +10 clicks per cycle (100ms)

    Feel free to ask if you have questions...

    Thanks! It really helped!

    Is it possible to create a shop that requires the amount of money, and in that shop, you can buy upgrades like add 5 per click?

  • Hi, my name is Eric. And I've been wanted to make a clicker game, but I don't know how. Can someone please teach me? And also, is it possible to make a shop so that you can buy upgrades and make workers to help you click when you are idle?

    The help that given would greatly appreciated.

  • Posible and quite easy. 2 ways.

    When any stat change call function, and this function check player stats and diplay correct animation.

    I'm not that good at Construct 2 so I don't understand... Can you explain this like easy way?

  • Hi, it's me again. I wanted to make a caring game but I don't know how, if you don't know what do I mean. I meant that there is a character on the middle of screen with all of it's stats on top (for example, water, happiness, hunger, sickness, etc..), and whenever the character grow up the character's sprite changed to another sprite (Is it possible?). When one of the stats go low, the character goes sick and if all the stats go low, the character goes dead and start all over again.


  • Sorry, if you don't understand because the title length. The title suppose to say: "How do I make an object scroll left and right when I move my mouse left and right?".

    It's self-explanatory.

  • So, I got bored real quick and to open some Construct 2 examples. Then, I found this Multiplayer Chat example. So I open it, I modify some stuff (cause Im boring), then I got bored again. So that's why I need to add Icons.

  • Are you trying to make sure that the second level stays locked after completing the first level, or to unlock automatically after completing the first level? Or maybe something else...

    Trying to make sure that the second level stays locked after completing the first level.

  • Hi, I'm making a maze game. At first, the second level button was unclickable, but whenever you play the first level and touch the 'key', the second level unlocked.

    I know it's possible.. Because it's Scirra Construct 2 ;D

  • I'm trying to make a classic snake game.. Can you give me a tutorial?

  • How can I add health and if you touched a solid enemy, you lost your health. And also, how to add collectable coins and add it to the score tab. AND (Final and) how to make if you fell down you go back to the main menu layout. PLEASE HELP!

  • Insert this in your event editor:

    *Sprite - On Any Animation Finished

    --------->Sprite -> Play From "Beginning"

    or If you have a specific Animation Name for example called "Idle"

    *Sprite - On Animation FInished ("Idle")

    --------->Sprite -> Set Animation "Idle" From "Beginning"

    This is what I do in my Event Sheet :

    KeyBoard - On Left Arrow Pressed - "Set animation to "Walk" (play from beginning)

    "Set Mirrored"

    KeyBoard - On Left Arrow Released - "Stop loop"

    "Set animation to "Idle" (From beginning)

    "Set not mirrored"

    "Set mirrored"

    Is this correct?

  • I've just created my first game, it works pretty well. 4 levels, and stuffs. But the problem is, I can't loop the animation! It looks bad without the animation looping! Please help

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Please give more information, such as OS, C2 version, NWjs version.

    This will help us to try and determine your problem.

    As you are trying to export using NWjs, then minifying is not really necessary, especially if just sharing with friends.

    My Specs :

    Processor : Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 887 1.50Ghz

    RAM : 2.00 GB (1.79 GB usable)

    32-bit operating system

    Service Pack 1

    Java 8 Update 77 (32-bit)

    Construct 2 r213

    NW.js v0.12.0 (Chronium 41) [r216 and older only]

  • I'm testing to change Scirra Construct 2 projects to .exe. Because, I want to share it to others. So when I change it to .exe, it says that I must have Java 8+ installed. So, installed Java 8 Update 77 (the latest update), than I try it one more time, the error message appeared again. I reinstalled Java 8, and it stills don't work.. PLEASE HELP!!

  • So, I was testing to add fps box.. So I tested it in the Space Blaster, I know how to add fps box. The real problem is when every I display the fps, the fps box keeps scrolling downwards. So how do I it??

  • 15 posts