Things in games are called objects, two objects of the same type are called instances.
Everything happening to an "instance" can be check using conditions in the event sheet. If you want a pet crying, make an "instance variable" like a boolean (true/false) and change it as desired.
E.g. your pet, after 10 seconds of the layout starts, will become hungry, so, check the condition time > 10 seconds and do the action "set instance variable boolean hungry" to true.
Now you're able to check if the pet is hungry and set its animation to correspond the new behavior.
Condition: pet instance variable boolean hungry is true?
And if this condition is meet, trigger the action: Change pet animation to "animation_name_for_hungry_behavior".
With this in mind you'll be able to make the whole game, dealing with conditions and actions, so, finally you can call it as Events.