ErekT's Forum Posts

  • +1

  • DRM-free is a major selling point for smalltime indie games. Embrace it :D Oooor... you could create an in-game serial code system that unlocks the full game after it's plopped in the first time. Lots of work to create all them individual codes tho.

  • Anything pre-rendered draws at the same speed as long as the image resolution is the same.

    In terms of aesthetics and workload lo-poly is the better choice imo but it depends on what kind of look you want. Me, I can't stomach hi-poly pre-rendered gfx most of the time. Unless it's done with great care to shaders and lighting it tends to look very cheap and plasticy to my eyes. That Donkey Kong image is a prime example. Just look at it! If you're doing a cartoony look I think lo-poly will work better, especially if you hand-paint the textures and don't go overboard with pre-rendered lights. Workload-wise you'll be a lot better off too.

  • One is Microsoft, the other isn't. Reason enough by itself to stick with C2 imo.

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  • This should work:

    Create an object called 'Camera'

    Add the ScrollTo behaviour to it.

    Add another two objects called Left_C and Right_C, put them where you want the camera to stop moving.

    Add this to an event sheet and make sure the event sheet always runs while the player is moving around:

    For every tick

         If Player.X > Left_C.X (and) Player.X < Right_C.X

               Camera.X = Player.X


               If Player.X >= Right_C.X

                   Camera.X = Right_C.X

               If Player.X <= Left_C.X

                   Camera.X = Left_C.X

  • Ashley

    Well you could always have it as an optional mode in which is recommended only for use on upscaling a low resolution window.

    Sounds like a lot better idea than the current Pixel Rounding system for retro/pixel style games.

    I'd prefer it to be optional myself, with toggles for 1x and 2x "internal" scaling. Useful for cases where you might need a larger than 1x scale, like turning trilinear filtering on/off during runtime. If everything gets rendered to a single texture that's upscaled afterwards it should be relatively easy to turn off filtering just for that final texture to avoid it being applied twice? Just thinking out loud here.

  • Very cool, thanks for considering it :)

  • Hello.

    There's been some talk around here earlier about how rendering performance is impacted by resolution. When we use webgl shaders they seem to be rendered after everything has been scaled up instead of before, which means the higher your desktop resolution the greater the strain on the gpu. I see this on my own computer; when a game with several shaders renders at 2x scale everything is slick but bump it up to 3x and things start to get jittery. And yep, my drivers are relatively fresh.

    Shader effects often don't need to get rendered at any more than the non-scaled game resolution, or maybe 2x game resolution. So, could we please have some kind of 1x and/or 2x rendering option that gets scaled up to fullscreen after all the gpu-intensive work is done? I remember Ashley mentioned this kind of thing as a possible solution and I really hope you guys will consider it. A possible extra benefit: If everything is drawn at 1x res first then scaled up we could get a realtime toggle for point and linear sampling maybe. Yes? Sounds good, right? :)))

  • That worked. Thanks :)

  • Ooh!!

    Any chance you could repost this? All the links seem broken.


    Nevermind, Dropbox seems to get blocked sometimes around here. Great work!

  • Or the width and height of an object after the canvas has been scaled? Is it possible? Using the runtime.width/height commands seem like they could do the trick but I don't know how to use them inside events; the editor complains that runtime is not a behavior when I try.

  • Don't know about the wisdom part but happy if I can be of help. Only had time to write up some pseudo-code real quick but I'll see if I can explain it a little better tomorrow.

  • You could always use two array lists:

    Inventory_Slot (How many objects of a given type is within this slot?)

    Inventory_Type (What kind of object does this slot hold at the moment?)

    When you add an object to the inventory in-game, use a loop to go through Inventory_Type from zero to 19 or whatever. Here's some pseudo-code:

    (where x is the current value being looped through)

    If Inventory_Type(x) = Object.Type OR Inventory_Type(x) = 0 (as in empty) --->

    Inventory_Slot(x) = Inventory_Slot(x) + 1

    Inventory_Type(x) = Object.Type (if the slot was empty we need to set it to the type of object added).

  • EDIT: Also, I'm guessing you already save to a Save Slot by doing the system Save action, so, It is just nonsense, again, I can be wrong

    EDIT2: you can load, not from JSON, but just load, and enter the name of the slot you selected before, don't use webstorage actions At all.

    Yep, that's the way I do it. No need for webstorage imo.


    System - Save game to slot "Slot1"

    System - Load game from slot "Slot1"

    Deleting games tho? Sorry, no clue. But saving to the same slot overwrites the old, don't know if that's any help.

  • Have you tried deleting your old export folder? I had the same thing with post-R126 updates and deleting it worked for me.