ErekT's Forum Posts

  • It works great! Nice job and thanks so much for sharing =D You the man!

  • Magistross

    I tried and failed to adapt your functions to work with SpriteFont Like the image below shows, I decided to try and bypass the textWidth function since it returns width based on the Arial font (right?). I made a local variable instead to hold the pixel width of the font minus character spacing and multiplied by the loopindex. But I'm missing something obviously because text doesn't display at all right now.

  • Thanks a lot fellas! Haha I was just wondering how to handle the wrapping thing. Good stuff

  • Thanks, will do

  • Hello.

    I'm creating a dialogue system rpg-style, and I would like to display the words letter-by-letter until the end of the text is reached rather than just show all the text at once. But I have no idea how to set this kind of thing up. Has anyone here done this before? Are there any examples around that I can look at? I'm using C2's Sprite Font for text btw.

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  • Yeh I know, I normally use an instance variable to identify separate instances. I just used the "pick instance" condition in this example for clarity

  • Thanks! I'm using local variables to check conditions of different instances right now and it works fine. Also just discovered I can pass variables to functions. So much stuff right beneath my nose that I'm missing

  • So yeah, I want one specific instance to trigger stuff with another instance within an event. I tried this but it didn't work:

    Any ideas on how to do it?

    Another question: Can we do local variables within functions? Don't think we can but thought I'd ask. EDIT: Yes we can, boyah! Need to check the manual more

  • insanely cool art style! love it.

    Just a nitpick, i notice the hobo is getting blurred when he's drawn at non-integers. Since it's pixel art you might not want that?

  • Yo,

    What kind of gfx? Pixel art or hi-res? What's the game's native resolution?

    There are methods to get games to run faster on high device resolutions (desktop resolution on computers) but whether they're suitable depends on what kind of graphics and what kind of resolution you use for your game.

  • Maybe you could do it something like this:

    Untested, but I think it'll work. Let me know if it doesn't


    Oops that last action is supposed to say "Set canvas size to Browser.ScreenWidth x round(Browser.ScreenWidth / 1.777777777777778)". Divide by aspect ratio, not multiply by it.

  • Where does Node-Webkit store files created with the savestate system exactly? Is it possible to access these files and/or set this location manually?

  • If you use the same name, exact designs etc then in theory you could get into trouble. In reality, it depends on whether the license holders still feel the IP is worth protecting. Maybe they plan to do some kind of re-release themselves for instance.

    They may send you a cease-and-desist mail if they find out about it but there's plenty of fan remakes of antique games floating around so I don't think that happens very often. Just don't try to make money off it.

  • Thanks, yeah I had forgotten where I got it from (Oppenheimer) and thought it was supposed to be in the manual somewhere

    Interesting observations, thanks for sharing those too I didn't know the separation could be limited by sprite boundaries if you apply it on the sprites themselves. I'll make sure I avoid that. Yeah the 100+ pixel shift behaviour is weird. Luckily I don't need to shift the channels that much. I'm just using it to simulate color bleed right now.

    Maybe it could be used as some kind of shadow/motionblur trail too? Mmm...

  • Um, can someone tell me where I can find some documentation on this effect? I've done a search through the manual, and the forum search tells me "too many common words" when I try to feed the effect name into it.