Epiplon's Forum Posts

  • Sulli fixed. I must get some sleep.

    Do you mind telling me which frases are wrong? <img src="smileys/smiley26.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I still need to improve my english.

  • Well, I can't even connect on the server anymore. Damn free accounts, it's no good.   <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Really thanks for your time! It works perfect in Dropbox HERE

    Sulli, you mean, in my post or in the game?

  • I'm having this problem too, but disabling Minify isn't solving.

  • My project works fine when I try to preview it, but the exported HTML5 doesn't work the same way. Neither on the server, nor when I load the index.html.

    I discarded the possibility of browser compatibility, so what happened?

    The first layout is correctly set in the Project Settings, so I don't know what I may have missed. Does the server influences it somehow?

    Using 000webhost as the server and Comodo Dragon (aka. Chromium).

    Link to the project: dropbox.com/s/1elvim029vzo437/Game.capx

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/Joqp2OT.jpg" border="0" />

  • Link to .capx file:


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create new empty project.

    2. Create new Sprite object with any name and put it on the Layout.

    3. Create some instance variables for the Sprite, with any initial values.

    4. Delete the object on the Layout.

    5. Try to change the initial values of the instance variables.

    6. Values don't change.

    Observed result:

    The initial values for the variables don't change. If they are empty, they remain empty.

    If you create an object of the type again in the Layout, and change the initial value, it becomes <vary> and keep stuck in it. You cannot change it anymore, in any way.

    Expected result:

    That the initial value change accordingly with the value that I set up.

    Browsers affected:


    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 8 Pro x64

    Construct 2 version:

    Release 139

  • Wow, thanks Kyatric!

    That's a lot of information and now I'm excited to learn more.

  • Whoa, I didn't think that this subject would be er... polemic.

    But anyway, sorry if I was too rough Kyatric, I didn't mean to judge it badly.

    The truth is that I messed with Construct 2 almost a year ago (and lots of features were added since then). I went through the tutorials for events system, without going deeper on the SDK.

    I don't know really if I explored everything, but I did a random-generated cave, making iterations though a 2x2 matrix. Honestly, I found it somewhat hard to get it working, more than typing (which would have felt like second nature). Got me frustrated for a while. Maybe was something that should be done with a plugin, coded in Javascript. Or maybe I wasn't' much accustomed with the system, but we should keep in mind that I was a beginner and that was kind of my first impression of it.

    But you know what? I will give it another try and go deeper even on the SDK.

    As final words, my thoughts was just about the same as zendorf: I was felt like scripting small game functionalities would suit better. And Ashley came and said the pitfalls of it, which I think any programmer would easily understand.

    I thank you all!

  • First of all, really thanks for all the answers!

    Yes, SDK and HTML game engines aren't lacking. What is lacking is what Construct 2 made - a graphical game making system, where you can drag elements along a Canvas and make them interact which others. And messing with a text editor can take a long time, just to re-implement things that are already done! Because Construct2 is not just an IDE - is a box of game making tools that, in another situations, you have to use it separately.

    I found it great that you made all of this as a small startup and that concern about being a tool that makes the difference. That's why I'm constantly repeating about the fact that I can't find another tool like it.

    So I have a final question about it, about these plugins system. Can I really use it to write specific behaviors in my objects? And one thing that may be great is the possibility to write these plugins inside Construct, since it may be more attractive for people like me or more experienced.

  • Hello!

    After a long search for several game engines these days, I came across Construct 2, which seemed very promising. This impression is a sum of a lot of features: easy interface, built-in functionalities common to games, export option for new technologies and platforms, great focus on the Web, as so many things.

    It's easy to see that Construct was meant for everyone - if you have an idea for a game, just get and make it! It will be simple without pressure for technical concerns. Then I really wanted to use Construct 2, but there is this one thing that get me frustrated all the time: the event system.

    I'm a programmer, and want to make games and get experienced in this field. Other game-making software may be easy to make with programming or give me a huge range of publishing options, but never all of them at the same time like Construct has done.

    The point is: I really, really want to use it. But I also would like to program some scripts, behaviors and personalize it using pieces of code, just like Game Maker and Unity.

    And my question is: why? Why keep with the event system only? Why not give this wonderful option for us who like to type more and more? I know that it has the Javascript SDK, but it would just extend the Event System, which I don't want to use, because the latter is slower and unpractical for me.

  • Hi.

    My name is Vin�cius, from Brazil. Always have been a computer gamer since old DOS games like Doom and RoTT when I started playing at age of 7 with my dad.

    More than just an entertainment, it became a wold of possibilities, art, fun and creativity. It have been driving my imagination since I can remember, so that's when making games have become a dream, a hobby, a craft and hopefully, a full-time job someday.

    Construct 2 got my attention when I was looking my way through HTML5 development. To be honest, I underestimate it in the first time. When I give it a second chance, have proved to be a complete tool on the possibility of expansion.

    Now, I want to dive even more in to it, make proudly games and contribute to the community.

  • Can I buy health? :)

  • I'm not quite sure, but didn't get even level one. <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    But I would suggest two more buttons to set the launch angle and an "restart level" option during gameplay.

  • rexrainbow

    Fixed. It doesn't give errors anymore. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi!

    First, really thanks for the plugin! I've been doing a research on the board looking for anything that can help on my project and this saved me a lot of work! <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Then I found something that could be a bug.

    Since Construct demands that you put the object on layout, I did as you on your example: destroy the object and then recreate it as a chess on the wanted position. The two objects were the Player and the Monster.

    But now, I tried to make the Monster follow the player (some tests before doing a pathfinder). This is what I put:

    <img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/576206_329896807094234_2024773004_n.jpg" border="0" />

    And this is the logic block that is called before it, when setting Player and Monsters on the map:

    <img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/313913_329897547094160_1531771269_n.jpg" border="0" />

    But then, it raises this error when I try to walk:

    <img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/534513_329897557094159_1441120915_n.jpg" border="0" />

    Is the X property of Player undefined?

    Here is the project file:


    If the Monster and/or the player spawns over a solid tile, just refresh it. The map is random.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I've read the tutorials before, but I thought that loop iterated everything before going to the sub-events. Then I read that again and managed to work just fine!

    It was happening that it wasn't creating the objects in the screen, leaving it all white. But now with a simple trigger and For Each statement, the objects appeared.

    And guess that the array won't be necessary, by the way.

    Thanks for your response! <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I'm more excited about it now.