EnglishAcorn's Forum Posts

  • Since this is my first post... Hello everyone and thank you to the Developers and Scirra Community for Construct!!

    For the last couple of months I've been playing around with Contruct, I find it easy to use, and more enjoyable to similar software packages that I've used (TGF, MMF2 etc...).

    So far I haven't attempted to complete a game, instead I've mainly focused mainly on figuring out certain elements, or ways of solving certain problems. Until I have a better grasp of the software.

    I felt I'd just upload something, instead of remaining quiet. Here's a little explination:

    I was experiementing with the skeleten behaviour to see how I could use it in a game. And I adopted it into a platform style game. So the upload is quite short, but it shows the tweening ability of Construct to produce the result. All the animation present is skeleton based. And the underlying platform script is from the behaviour menu, and the use of 'Solid' attrbutes.

    The Images I used were from a game idea I had, a little cliche' I guess, where the task of the main character is in painting a 'black and white' world colourful. For example platforms would transform from a square white block with a thick black outline, into a curving colourful display. Allowing me to input my artisitc abilities. However the file I'm uploading is mainly focused on the animation tweenings.


    Arrows - Directions

    LShift - Jump

    A - Charge

    S - Brush the floor

    D - Attack

    Both the Charging and floor brushing happen while moving. However the attack can be performed at any time, including jumping or falling.

    Screen shots:

    <img src="http://adamenglish.co.uk/download/example1.JPG">


    <img src="http://adamenglish.co.uk/download/example2.JPG">


    <img src="http://adamenglish.co.uk/download/example3.JPG">


    <img src="http://adamenglish.co.uk/download/example4.JPG">


    Download File:


    Kind Regards,


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