EnglishAcorn's Forum Posts

  • By Duck Hunt, are you referring to a point and shoot style game play. Something similar to my first game Fruit Shoot?. If that's the case, if I have time I could create a tutorial for you after the weekend.

  • If you mean floating up and down in a wave motion? If so have his Y coordinate add a multiple of the 'sine' wave.

    With enemies I would usually have a variable such as 'InRange'. Default set to '0'. Once the player gets within range of the enemy, the 'InRange' variable is set to '1'. If the 'InRange' variable is set to '1', then the enemy angles towards the player and begins shooting etc...

    InRange = 0 Would therefore be in a passible mode

    InRange = 1 Would therefore be in an aggressive attacking mode.

    If the Global Attack range is not working. Instead either use a sprite as a hitbox (Big circule), so that when the player collides with it InRange is set to '1'. Alternatively have an event which checks the players distance such as the expression "distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)", if this number returns too low, then have InRange set to 1.

  • You can measure the distance between two points with the expression:

    "distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)"

    At the beginning of your flight have the system to create an Object:Sprite, and when you need to measure the distance, measure it from this Object to your Players hitbox (or similar).

    If you've chopped up your layout into seveal wide layout screens as the user above has mentioned. So that your player wraps at X=??? and is repositioned to X=0 at a greated Y value. Then calculate your distance as previously suggested but also add on the layout width multiplied by how many times you've wrapped.

  • The above is simpler and probably less frustrating. Alternatively you could create a global variable such as GV:"Player". Have it default set to '0'.

    GV:Player = 0 (Controls Player 1)

    When Player presses 'C', add '1' to GV:Player

    If GV:Player = 1 (Controls/Playerbox deactivated, PlayerBox set to Player 2 position).

    Then adds '1' to GV:Player

    GV:Player = 2 (Controls Player 2)

    When Player presses 'C', add '1' to GV:Player

    So if GV:Player = 3 (Controls/Playerbox deactivated, PlayerBox set to Player 1 position).

    Then adds '1' to GV:Player

    GV:Player = 4 (When GV:Player =< 4, set GV:Player = 0)


    This means to change who the Playerbox controls you only need to set the value of GV:Player box to 1 or 3 and it should automatically re-position the Playerbox as the values change to 2 or 4(Acutally 0). This has an advantage if you are wanting to put transition animations in between the player swtich. But a disadvantage if all you want is a straight switch like mentioned in a comment above.

  • I recently experiemented and created a nice laser effect that some may want to use in their games.

    An example of this can be found in the arcade: Click Here!

    A short video example can be found here:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    The .capx file and a better tutorial can be found here: Click Here! Its similar to the interactive tutorial, however the images of the Event Sheet screenshots are higher and easier to read.

    I apologies for low graphical quality of the rest of the example in the arcase, I didn't have the time to up the aesthetics. However the purpose and focus is on the laser effect (Think Star Trek).

    As for instructions. Simply fly the space ship around and click on the targets, ideally at a distances. The laser should automatically charge and fire.

    I may reduce the size of the sprites to make the example a clearer demonstrations.

    When I get time today or over the next few days, I hope to create a video tutorial for others to follow. As well as upload the .capx file.

    Look forward to your feedback.

    **Update 06/12/2013:

    -Removed redundant and broken links.

  • The Kongregate send stats seems to work fine with my games:


    I noticed a few things though. The stats won't show until your game has been rated. Also when naming your stat I would remove any spaces or uppercase letters (i.e. I changed my "High Score" to just "score"). You get the option to rename [back to High Score"] the incoming value in the table on the Kongregate site.

    When you include the 'Kongregate' object, create it on your first page so as to have your game link to the Kongregate server at the beginning of your game (Although I think the object becomes universal so it may not make a difference).

    I haven't tried to see if it works in Chrome or IE. But the score table shows on my games.

  • You have a great introduction video to your game (Watched the youtube video), loving the music that goes with it. Very nice.

  • Just tried it on IE9 myself, and as with you it stuck on the Loading screen. That could be due to the preload requirement from the first layout, I may need to upgrade from v93 to v94 for it. Thank you for pointing it out.

    Thank you also for the compliments to the graphics/artwork. I feel the actual gameplay perhaps lets them down a little. Depending on how you upgrade your ship, you may not get that gritty space combat formed from copious amounts of laser fire.

    I've just noticed I hadn't rescaled the ship explosions as well.

    Thank you for your feedback,


    <font color=red>Edit (21:56GMT 15/06/2012): It should work on TE9 now, I believe using the 'If pre-load (of audio) complete event' may not be working with certian web browsers.</font>

  • <center><img src="http://englishacorn.com/images/SpaceShoot/Forum%20Images/Title.png" border="0"></center>

    <img src="http://englishacorn.com/images/SpaceShoot/Forum%20Images/icon.png" border="0"><img src="http://englishacorn.com/images/Fruitshoot/forum/logo200.png" border="0">

    <center>Space Star Shoot by englishacorn.com

    Play Here: kongregate.com/games/EnglishAcorn/space-star-shooter

    Watch Video Here: blip.tv/englishacorn/construct-2-game-space-star-shoot-6207434%3C/center%3E

    <center><img src="http://englishacorn.com/images/Fruitshoot/forum/about.png" border="0"></center>

    Sci-fi Space Shoot, where by the player is pitted against waves of increasing numerous enemy ships in which they must destroy.?

    The aim is to get the highest score.

    Players have the options of upgrading at the shop in between waves, or by pressing ESC if they are still alive.?

    After Wave 5 the enemy types are generated randomly by each wave sees more enemies added to teh fray.?

    If enemies collide an are too small then they destroy each other.

    The players health regenerates each time they visit the shop, so with quick abilities they are able to last for a long time.

    The closest enemy to you is located with the tiny pointer that rotates around your ship.?

    If you cannot locate the remaining enemy simply to back to the shop, and return to the game.

    The intention behind this was to experiment to see how long it would take me to create a workable game, which still maintained its visual elements despite lacking depth in the game play. In total it took and estimated 12 hours to complete everything in the game (Assuming concentration was maintained through out the whole time). Of which I did this over a few days. There are still bugs and game mechnics to work out, it the experience gained while creating it is valuable. Future releases would include more sustainable battles, space stations, smoother graphics, a wider viewing screen and more hack and slash mayhem.


    The music playing has been created by myself (Adam English) using Magix Music Pro software. All images have been created with Xara Designer Pro X

    Apart from that, the game has been created/compiled using Construct 2 (By Scirra.com).?

    If you want to support, please share, follow me or subscribe at any of the following:?

    <center>English Acorn (main Site)


    Youtube Channel?

    Facebook Page?


    Thank you</center>

    <center><img src="http://englishacorn.com/images/Fruitshoot/forum/screenshots.png" border="0"></center>

    Logo Screen:

    <img src="http://englishacorn.com/images/SpaceShoot/ScreenShots/screen_shot_000.png" border="0">

    Title Page:

    <img src="http://englishacorn.com/images/SpaceShoot/ScreenShots/screen_shot_001.png" border="0">


    <img src="http://englishacorn.com/images/SpaceShoot/ScreenShots/screen_shot_002.png" border="0">

    Wave Introduction:

    <img src="http://englishacorn.com/images/SpaceShoot/ScreenShots/screen_shot_003.png" border="0">

    Battle Area:

    <img src="http://englishacorn.com/images/SpaceShoot/ScreenShots/screen_shot_004.png" border="0">

    High Score Page:

    <img src="http://englishacorn.com/images/SpaceShoot/ScreenShots/screen_shot_005.png" border="0">

    <img src="http://englishacorn.com/images/Fruitshoot/forum/controls.png" border="0">


    LMB ? Selects menu or shop options, mute button..

    W/Up ? Accelerate.

    A/Left ? Turn Left.

    S/Right ? Turn Right.

    D/Down ? Decelerate.

    ESC ? Takes you to the shop.

    You automatically fire your laser, laser fire rate determins how often.

    Shop Options:

    Top Speed: Top speed of ship.

    Turn Speed: Ability to turn ship.

    Acceleration: The acceleration and deceleration of the ship.

    Ship Hull: Life of your ship, 0=Death.

    Shield: Protects your ship.

    Fire Rate: Rate at which laser fires.

    Laser Strength: Damage of laser against enemy.

    Laser Speed: Speed at which laser travels.

    <center><img src="http://englishacorn.com/images/Fruitshoot/forum/arcade.png" border="0">

    Play the game at Kongregate:

    Click HERE to play!!!</center>

    <center><img src="http://englishacorn.com/images/Fruitshoot/forum/updates.png" border="0">

    **Update (21:33GMT 15/06/2012):

    -Changed controls, now requires LMB click/hold to fire

    -Fixed loading screen to prevent problems with certain browsers

    -Included a laser muzzel flash

    -Re-coded the movement of the stars ingame to prevent their distraction

    -Reduced the opacity of the background stars

    -Increased the size of explosions for asthetic appeal

    -Changed player graphic to include a turrent

    -Fixed bug when an enemy would seem to by aware from the playing area preventing continuing to the next wave.

    -To maintain immersion, included warp element for enemy entrance

    -Doubled upgrade level (To 20), each level has half the benefit as before

    -Increased starting credits to prevent players being overwhelmed at the beginnning of the game.

    **Update (13/06/2012):

    -Added To Kongregate</center>

  • Thank you for the feedback.

  • <font size="5">[Example] Continuously Scrolling Texture </font>

    This example/turotial explains how to create 'continuous scrolling tiled backgrounds objects' (Scrolling textures). There are three main types which are considered here; they are those scrolling in one direction, four directions and rotating tiled backgrounds. The event coding includes both non-family and family objects.

    An example can be found in the arcade Here

    The .capx file can be found Here

    A written tutorial for this can be found Here.

    A video tutorial for this can be found Here (Blip.TV). -

    Any questions? Please ask.


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  • Thank you Spirantual. I enjoyed playing your game Evertree also.

    If anybody has any suggestions for the game, please say. I've just been sent a whole lot from a user at Kongregate. Maybe too many.. haha... But I'll see what I can do.

  • Thank you again for your feedback and compliments.

    AJTilley: I've written this to answer your request:


    I'm not sure if it covers everything you were hoping. But I'll shortly be making a video tutorial to go along with it which may be more insightful. You embed your project into your site in a similar with the Scirra Arcade, however the html code that you copy and paste is trimmed down a lot.

    All the best,


    Edit: I've added a video to the tutorial now.

  • Hey Geo,

    What do you mean by focus?

    When I view my game at Kongregate. Apart from the advert that pops up sometime, I don't have to click on the game for it to start or register my 'mouse over' commands.

    I point the url iframe to a privately hosted url (not the Scirra Arcade).

  • Cheers,

    I think then I'll have to change the folder name 'advert' to something else on the server. Not to much of a problem. Just need to remember to avoid similar naming for such a service.

    Thank you for noticing it by the way. <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />