Emperor Ing's Forum Posts

  • It's an event action in the event editor, not on the default page. This all could be found reading the manual entry for 8-Direction Behavior and its followup link Behavior Reference - Custom movement.

  • This tutorial should cover what you are trying to do:

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/791/4- ... -animation

  • Thank you for the modifications. I seem to remember years ago similar warnings about the Wait command and its potential bugginess (truly there are no easy solutions?).

    I will try tinkering with the System: Pick options to see if there is more variation I can add to the mix.


    I got exactly what I was looking for by using an additional variable, "active" along with a new timer condition, "Activate."

    Start of Layout

    For Each Enemy

    variable active: choose(1,2)

    active = 1

    Trigger Once

    Set timer "Activate" for 1.5 (once)

    active = 2

    Trigger Once

    Set timer "Wait" for 0.0 (once)

    On timer "Activate"

    set move to 1

    plus what you have above.

    This gives a more natural random nature to the enemies if there are multiple enemies on-screen at once.

    EDIT: This will need more messing around, because I forgot to make the enemies recognize solids. I know I've seen .capx files which have enemies change their paths when colliding with solids, so I'll have to implement something like that.

    You can have an event something like

    On collision with solid

    set enemy angle to GetCurrentAngleofMotion - 180

    and fiddle with the timers to get the enemy back into the loop of moving. It will bug out if the enemy is between two solid or skirting along the edge of a solid, so keep on testing.

  • Whether it's a bullet or an attack, you can have the player spawn an object on a button press that destroys enemies, or lowers their health (which you would have to make a local variable).

    If it's an attack like a punch, you would have to check for collisions with an enemy while an attack animation or variable is activated (e.g., When AttackMode=1; PlayerSprite on Collision with Enemy > Enemy destroy - or something like that). To have more finesse, you would have to add extra things like checking the Player's X and Y vs. the Enemy's X and Y.

  • https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/290 ... stadv.capx

    I am creating a simple overhead engine. I have a simple random 4-way movement enemy. Ideally, multiple instances of the same enemy would be moving about differently (see the picking different speeds option - just an example and not final), so it wouldn't look so mechanical and choreographed.

    However, the enemies, while they do indeed move in different directions, pick the same speed while moving, which gives off that mechanical feeling I described.

    While I dislike begging for answers, I would appreciate it if someone could help out. I thought it would be related to a For Each(enemy) event, but switching the order of conditions causes the movement to bug out pretty hard. Perhaps something with UniqueID? I am unsure.

    Thank you for any and all help in advance.

  • Why not have a timer variable?

    Something like:

    local (timer) : initial value (9)

    Is object Visible?


    every 1.0 second : subtract (1) from (timer)

    local (timer) </= 7 : flash (or play "flash" animation)*

    local (timer) = 0 : destroy

    *The 30 frames sound very superfluous, unless each frame is doing something different. Is it a flashing animation? If so, see above.

  • That's very odd, since it should be an option in the right-click menu.

    There's still locking the entire layer with the BG TiledBackground in it- I usually do that when I have an entire layer dedicated to Tiled Backgrounds.

  • Is it possible to lock a tiled background into place, say if it covers the whole screen?

    You can either lock the layer it's on (say it's the "BG" layer).

    Or, you can right-click it and go to Lock Selected.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • These are pretty nice, inkBot. I listened to a few of them and think they are solid chippy goodness.

    My personal favorite being penultimate.

    As well, thanks for the link, Krush, as I'm always out to look for new programs to tinker with. My experience with trackers is limited to TFM Maker and FamiTracker a little bit (my main machine is FL Studio, with a little Reaper dabbling), so I am not unfamiliar with tracking.

    That being said, the interface to this thing looks pretty darn intimidating!

  • You know, i did download Verve a long time ago, but I have yet to look through everything within the example, so I apologize for making you bring it up yet again! ; )

    Thank you for the pointers, as I'll be trying to implement these now into my game build.

  • So I am more or less finished with my game, my first major project in Construct. The levels are constructed, the game engine is more or less finished, and I am only waiting on some artwork so i can have an intro and credits sequence.

    So things are pretty good.

    If you'd like, you can play what i have right here:


    5 levels of super action!


    Anyway, I am thinking, since i am mostly done, I am thinking of implementing a high-score

    system and a timer.

    More specifically:

    -A score system, and upon finishing the game, or getting a game over, a local hi-score table that the player can enter their initials into, which would be saved for the next time they play the game

    What would be the best way to go about this? What tutorials/.CAPs are recommended for me to look at?

    -As for a timer, I assume you'd just set up a global variable, or private variable called TIME, and have every X milliseconds, 1-subtracted from var.TIME?

    Some refinements:

    -At the end of the game, I'd like like to have it so that the timer, whatever time is left, counts down really fast and the score meter fills up equally fast (you know, like at the end of every SMB level).

    Would I do this using "every X milliseconds" action? Say, like when Function "TimeAdd" is called,

    Every 10 Milliseconds

    GlobalVar TIME greater than 0

    -Subtract 5 from var.TIME

    -Add 5 to var.SCORE

    Like that?


    I am sorry if this is unclear; I am still not entirely sure how I want to do everything.

    In any event, if you just want to play the game itself, you can surely do so!

  • LulzSec is changing its tone right now because ANOTHER hacker has them by the balls and found out who they were.

    There is no defense for what those idiots have done, and no real "justification" for their actions.

    But you're right, this hacking ******** is really just annoying and has lost any (non)charm it had.

  • I am working on an arcade-esque game where you pilot a spaceship around a horde of hazardous fish aliens intent on wiping out mankind.

    The fish are obvious homages to the enemies of the Darius series, my favorite series of shmups.

    Right now, I have five rather short levels, and I am roughly 95% done with the game, in its initial form (you see, I asked a girl to make intro and credits images, to give the game an authentic flair to it)...

    So while I'm waiting for that, I'm pondering the addition of a few various things...

    -a high-score table, as well as a scoring mechanic in general

    -a timer, not so much for punishing players for running out of time, but to add to the scoring mechanic

    -putting in a continue system to add to the challenge. Right now there are unlimited continues, but that can make the game boring through attrition. I wonder if adding a sense of tension by only giving the player 2 continues (or maybe even one!) would do my project good.

    -an extra mode, unlocked after beating the game, featuring far more challenging levels... I am thinking about this mainly because, hey, all the enemies are programmed, so it's just a matter of putting them into the layout and making a level from that. Plus, don't we all love a challenge (though the one person besides me who has played the game has called it "balls hard" already, not getting past the second level)?

    -longer levels (not too much longer... just long enough to have optional scoring opportunities)

    Stuff like that. I mean, I don't intend on releasing the first version of the game until July 12 (an arbitrary date), so I have a good amount of time over the summer to fine-tune things...

    Now I just need to figure out how to

    A) put in a high-score table / .INI file

    B) put in a timer that adds to the score

    C) fix up the rough edges and loose ends of my game

    But it feels good to be nearly completed with something, I'll tell you what.

  • I'd be running if I saw Big Boss coming after me.

  • It is indeed global objects that is causing such a problem.

    What I would do (IF and only IF you need them global) is check the attribute "Destroy on Start", and create spawn sprites that create said objects where you want them on the loading of the layout (think of Platform School, and the way that the enemies are handled in a similar way).

    What I would actually do though:

    Create an Include Sheet for the objects you want to continually use, then just manually copy and paste them from layout to layout.

    (to add an include sheet, first right-click on the event sheets folder in the Projects Tab, and add a new one. Then, in the event sheet editor, right-click on the event sheet editor, to add one)