Elliott's Forum Posts

  • Posting to follow this thread - as always Robin your art is fantastic!

  • This was achieved by simply blocking the level geometry in with invisible collision sprites, the actual artwork itself is just window dressing.

    You can either use this technique or alter your artworks collision polygon in the sprite editor to fit your purpose.

  • This is a 10 second example - be sure to clean it up if you use it (destroy the trail sprites if they're below a certain size - alternatively just add the fade property)

    It doesn't really add a seamless tail though, to do that I'd experiment with the idea of a tail sprite, the width of which would be multiple of the platforms speed, so the faster your moving the longer the tail.

    The angle could be determined by an invisible sprite with a 1 second life span spawned every second or so at the player's x/y.

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  • Personally I always use an invisible sprite for collisions/movement and pin the graphics to it later - to my knowledge this is best practice.

  • Are you using a dedicated sprite for the snail's collisions? If you're not and using the snail sprite itself - do all the frames have an identical collision box?

  • I haven't looked for any tech details on TideKit, as the product isn't actually out from what I can gather - but information on TideSDK, their existing product, is readily available:




    Lends a bit of credibility.

  • Could Ashley weigh on the viability of TideKit and C2?

  • I'd love to help test (Y) Windows user

  • AFKATM so I have to be quick - this sounds like a job for the clamp expression!


    clamp(playerHealth, 0, 100)


  • Sturgeons law - game development, as with any creative industry isn't qualification based, some kid in his bedroom can have a crack and so can an office of people at a mega-bucks company.

    If you want job security look at industries with a qualification barrier, like a lawyers, doctors,pilots etc.

  • Fun game, great response when you blast away the zombies, the mines have a real "umph" to them!

    One thing to note is that whilst all the other audio loaded as soon as I started playing, the music didn't until my 3rd life about 2 minutes in - the music is great by the way, kept me playing!

  • No problem

    The gamepad object does indeed have several events that check for gamepads ("has", "on connected" and "are supported") but to my knowledge still require a button to be pressed (Y)

  • IIRC this is simply the nature of the gamepad object, and by extension Chrome - you need to hit a face button before additional input is recognised.

    The easiest workaround is to have a button prompt like "Hit A to start".

    Off the top of my head a simulate control action tree for the gamepad object would solve this (You could simulate "A" being pressed on start of layout for example) but I imagine that could cause a myriad of problems (Especially if the user doesn't have a gamepad connected)

  • By the way.

    There is some guy looking for freelancers to make an exact copy of my game.

    "The application must look, play and react exactly like the one listed."

    Maybe I should take the job <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    http://www.freelancer.sg/projects/Mobil ... 46618.html

    That's hilarious!

    Fantastically made game, next to Magnetised and Motor Melon this the best C2 game I've seen on mobile <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

  • Sorry for taking so long to reply!

    You would simply use a graphics program like Photoshop. Reading up on vanishing point graphic design techniques couldn't hurt your art assets either (Y)