eliasfrost's Forum Posts

  • A good way to practice depth is to do a lot of color value drawings, starting with greyscale. Learnig how distant objects lose color and intensity and how close objects are darker and richer in color. The good thing with working in greyscale is that you only work with one color so that you can focus 100% on value instead of blending colors.

    http://www.ctrlpaint.com/videos/why-pra ... -grayscale

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Still working hard on this cinematic platformer of mine.

  • What engine are you working with?

  • Use the "Scroll to" behavior on the object you want to follow.

  • That doesn't work for me. If I re-import sounds they will sound the same inside Construct 2 even though the source has been changed.

  • Awesome, thanks Ash!

  • Hey nevermind I just lost my brain for a moment. I could just use global variables to do this.

  • What I do: If I have an object that will have different looks but same mechanic (like levers, or buttons), I use one sprite with multiple animations. However if the object have a different mechanics, I use seperate objects to make it easier for myself.

  • Hi! I'm a bit confused about how audio works in Construct 2.

    Can I bundle sound together and have sort of a "master volume" for each bundle, for example: "music", "sfx", "interface" etc? Or is it a "all or none" in case of changing volume? Do I have to change volume for each tag individually? If so how do I keep the volume consistent for say a tag that is used at different places with different volumes?

  • With Construct 2, assets are not read from the folder they are placed in, which means you have to reimport assets everytime they are changed. The problem though is that sound effects can't be reloaded like other assets and reimporting them doesn't update to the new sound unless you change the source name.

    This have not been a problem for me yet since I haven't done any complicated things with sounds yet. My problem now is that I am using specific names for my sounds and the format is "sound_effect_##" and my game randomly plays a sound by name ending with a random number. Now, I want to update one of those sounds but since the actual sound does not update when you reimport unless you rename the source I'm stuck with the old sound.

    Is there a way to remove the (I guess it's a cached file somewhere?) old file from Construct 2 so that I can import the sound anew? Removing the sound and importing it again doesn't work.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Problem Description

    When you erase tiles in tilemap mode, if you erase tiles with right click and move the pointer outside the Construct 2 window while erasing. The eraser locks and erases every tile you hover over. The annoying bit is that you can't undo those erased tiles because Construct 2 doesn't register that those tiles have been erased? When you try to undo the erased tiles, the program will undo the things you did before the eraser locked but not the things you did while the eraser was locked.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Go into tilemap mode
    • Draw tiles
    • Use the right-click to erase tiles and then move the pointer outside the window while erasing.
    • release button and move the pointer back into the window

    Observed Result

    When you move the pointer back into the layout, the eraser is locked and will erase every tile you hover over. When you try to undo the untintentionally erased tiles, Construct 2 will only undo the things you did before you encountered the bug.

    Expected Result

    I expect the pointer mode to return to default state.

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win 7 64x SP1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Release 200

  • Thanks for asking!

    The game is grid based (16x16 pixels) and the character always moves 1 unit at a time. So to get the smoothest animation all actions are registered ahead (when pressing the buttons) but are not actually executed until the character have finished a step. So if you want to jump, you have to press the button one grid unit ahead (unless you're standing still, then it's executed on the spot). the same for going from walking to running.

    It's much more reminiscent of the movement in the first Oddworld game. I think Prince of Persia had a lot of player standing in-between tiles and such and made it a bit hard to maneuver in certain situations, in Oddworld and in this game, the player always allign with the grid which makes movement very predictable.

    A problem I noticed when playing Blackthorn is that the character has no windup and runs at full speed once the run button is pressed, this made run-jumping from ledges a hassle because you wouldn't have time to react before falling down the ledge. What I implemented in my game is a windup that is half the speed of running to give the player a bit of time for input.

    My job is to teach the player how the basic movement work and also to effectively introduce them to new areas with different looks. Like giving them safe areas to learn the basics and even learn how the areas look, how ledges work, how far you can jump, the width of tiles and such. Once the player understands how the game reacts to their input I think they will be fine. But maybe I shouldn't speak too soon, I haven't playtested this with other people yet.

  • Engine is going good. All I need to implement next is the run-jump and the ledge grab from a running jump and all movement mechanics are set. Things look like this right now. If anyone wants to ask how I go about making the game, feel free to ask!

  • I would love to make a game like Might and Magic 6-8, the 8th one is probably the game I have most vivid memories of playing. It was such fun back then and still is.

  • Getting a "The Thing" vibe from the video you showed. I like it.