Problem Description
When you erase tiles in tilemap mode, if you erase tiles with right click and move the pointer outside the Construct 2 window while erasing. The eraser locks and erases every tile you hover over. The annoying bit is that you can't undo those erased tiles because Construct 2 doesn't register that those tiles have been erased? When you try to undo the erased tiles, the program will undo the things you did before the eraser locked but not the things you did while the eraser was locked.
Steps to Reproduce Bug
- Go into tilemap mode
- Draw tiles
- Use the right-click to erase tiles and then move the pointer outside the window while erasing.
- release button and move the pointer back into the window
Observed Result
When you move the pointer back into the layout, the eraser is locked and will erase every tile you hover over. When you try to undo the untintentionally erased tiles, Construct 2 will only undo the things you did before you encountered the bug.
Expected Result
I expect the pointer mode to return to default state.
Operating System and Service Pack
Win 7 64x SP1
Construct 2 Version ID
Release 200