eli0s's Forum Posts

  • Too "all around the place", cluttered in my opinion. Ever since I saw C2 event system, I can't realty understand why this isn't the default non coding programming method everywhere!

    The major benefit on blueprints is the real-time visual feedback that it gives upon run time.

  • Some times the wait action behaves unpredictably. I am glad that you made it work my friend, keep it up!!

  • You want your character to stop moving when he is firing right?

    If so, you don't have to use the disable/stop 8direction movement (event 23) Instead add a "X IsAttacking" condition as event 2 and nest the (current) events 2,3,4 and 5 as sub-events. You should have then:

    if Player "X IsAttacking"

    -------Keyboard Down Arrow is down ----> Simulate 8direction pressing Down

    -------Keyboard Right Arrow is down ----> Simulate 8direction pressing Right


    As for the rapid fire, just add the "Trigger once while true" condition on the event 23 (together with the "IsAttacking")

  • Hey moymoymoy, I don't get what is wrong with your project...

    I did a test following your events and everything works fine. Have a look and tell me if there are any important deference that might cause the problem.

    Note* I didn't use the wait 0.1 seconds and instead of number variable I used a Boolean.

  • Guif0DA


    Thanks so much! I am very curious on how you guys may implement/improve upon those examples. I think we can build a sample base of cool stuff/ideas and have the pros-cons of each method mentioned also, so anyone interested on some eye candy technique won't have to reinvent the wheel or waste a lot of time for stuff that perhaps does not apply on their target platforms.

  • And here is the same example using the Canvas Plugin. I have no clue on how the looping and the scrolling can be made though.

  • Amazing! Beautiful art, very atmospheric mood, the presentation is excellent, the sound is awesome and I loved all of the little details (the particle effects, the twinkling stars, all those discreet light sources scattered around the map...)!


  • R0j0s example fiddled to match your example a bit more. Not perfect, it's a start.


    I do agree that the Canvas plug in will produce much better results with far less resources but I don't know how to do it.

  • Try the following:

    1) Remove the Stop animation from event 22 (it is not needed and it might cause problems after all)

    2) Add the condition "Is not Attacking" (add the "Is Attacking" and invert it) on the event 15.

    Also, make sure that the speed of the animations isn't 0.

    As for the spawning, either add a "Wait" action in your events and after that add the "spawn an other object" action, or if you want the spawned object to come out from a specific place at a specific frame,

    1) go into the animations

    2) find that frame

    3) add an image point to where you want the object to be spawned from

    4) create a new event and as a condition add the "compare frame" = to the frame you want

    5) add the "spawn an other object" action (don't forget to choose the correct image point)

  • Great stuff! Love your first one eli0s, I can imagine using that effect for cutscenes in an RPG or something.

    lolpaca , sorry I missed your post somehow, thank you very much, I really hope that the light/shadow system will prove to be useful within game-play also!

    ramones Thank you! You are welcome

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  • Sheepy

    I loved the feel of Onna, simple but artistically elegant! I expected more from the gameplay, the blocking system isn't quite helpful and the attack is a bit unpredictable. I couldn't go to far before someone delivered a lucky slash to me...

    The Umbra swept me of my feet!!! It's amazing! The art, the blackojq@white effect, the reflections, the music, everything!!! The only problem is that I can't pass the 3rd level!!! The wall jump is not responding very well, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't (at least, I can't make it work)

    I have to report that both titles had fps problems on Firefox, especially Umbra. On Chrome they play like a dream!

    Well done!!!

  • An other test. Based on the last test, this time it's a Sunset! Give it some time to complete. Again, a mess of a capx

  • That tease is almost unforgivable! almost!!!

  • Ldk Unfortunately it doesn't seem that there is a way to use the Sprites of one layer to mask an other layer in the way that you want. I raise (again, I know, I must be very predictable by now, I am sorry) the need for a masking system in Construct 2. Blending modes just doesn't cut it.

    What you can do however, is to use sprites as color transparencies on top of your art sprites within the same layer(s). Set the webGL effect to to overlay (or color) and make sure the layer(s) "Force own texture" parameter is set to "No".

    Here is an example capx, using 2 colored "transparencies" to simulate the warm color of the sunset and the blue color of the night.

  • What is an opacity layer?! You are using a colored layer with some blending mode to tint the layers (and their Sprites) below..? Something like an Adjustment layer in After Effects?