eli0s's Forum Posts

  • I see major improvements both in latest Chrome (Version 39.0.2171.65 m) and Canary (Version 41.0.2225.0 canary (64-bit)).

    The problem still rise when running a test with letterbox scale. Making the browser full screen (F11) fixes that.

    The same goes with node web-kit. For some reason without letterbox scale in my system I don't experience anything like the terrible things I read about in the forum the past 2 weeks. Letterbox scale however, does affect the performance, introducing heavy jerking when running at full screen.

  • Gigatron , as for the button, you can check the sprite button behavior by coatesjetset.

  • Again, you need to use clamp for the rest of the events.

  • kmsravindra , you are welcome. I see what you mean. Unfortunately I don't know an other way either. It would be nice indeed if families supported different kind of objects like containers do.

  • Ize , It looks very nice! Bravo!

  • Ize , the effect doesn't look as bad as you describe it. It breaks down when you continuously alternate the player's direction from left to right and so forth. Otherwise, if the direction is constant the effect works (a least in my eyes) as well as it does when the player stays still.

    I think that if you reduce the amount of the effect (less wind) the effect will look even better and the problem will be even more subtle.

  • +1

    That would be nice for sure!

  • As far as I can understand there isn't a one click way to do it. But you need to set a system that does that only once.

    I'm not sure what is it that you have in mind, but I tried to devise a situation that you'll need to move all of the elements of a container at once and change the z-depth at the same time. Check the attached capx. Notice that the tanks, while been dragged, they pop on top of the clouds. When dropped they move behind the clouds.

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  • By default, all newly created objects are been created at the top of the layer. However, the constituent elements are indeed not appearing in any predetermined order. You can use the "Move to object" action upon creation to control the z-order between the elements in respect to each other.

    See the attached capx for a practical example.

  • You are welcome

  • You could use clamp to constrain the x and y positions. See the attached capx.

  • satish02 , I'm grad I could help!

  • Colludium , heh, it's like 16,7 ms is repelling the data! Perhaps this is now on the realm of wave functions, probability curves and quantum fluctuations! Maybe the laws of physics doesn't allow for perfect syncing without jerkiness. Who are we after all, that we wish to tame all those electrons for our entertainment???

  • satish02 ,

    If you double click on either Sprite you will open the Image editor. Notice that the human sprite has its orientation to the right, while your canon faces upwards. Construct 2 calculates angles from the starting from the right (0 degrees) and by going clockwise you have 6 o'clock= 90 degrees, 9 o'clock= 180 (or -180) degrees, 12 o'clock= 270 (or -90) degrees...

    So, within the Image editor, just hit the arrow that turns the image 90 clockwise (or download the attached file)...

    Note that you could have both actions that control the angles on the same every tick event.

  • Colludium , I've added the results of your newest test on the Chromium report issue here. It's this one, right?