elfwy's Forum Posts

  • guannstar

    What do you mean under "real-time"? Does it not sending data at all or has some delay?

    I'm not sure, but firebase plugin make initialization by itslef. Anyway you can test if it will work with init. Btw I didn't use it in my example... So probably you don't need it.

    And one small note: you shouldn't use firebase as a multiplayer plugin for heavy realtime games - it wasn't created for these purposes.

    You can pm me your FB or whatever if you want to sort out everyting faster.

  • guannstar

    What do you use to compile your app? Cocoon or Phonegap?

    Anyway, you can debug your app and check what it writes in console. If it happens on your mobile device, but works in preview, then you should just simply follow this steps:

    1. Connect the phone to your computer with the wire
    2. Press F12 on a blank tab in Chrome
    3. Find 3 vertical dots near to X at top-right corner and press it
    4. More tools
    5. Remote devices
    6. You'll see your device in the list, press it and find your app
    7. Press inspect

    Then find the console and check it if there any errors.

    P.s the code I said to use couldn't break your game because it works only after some condition triggers

    Sorry if there's a lot if mistakes. I'm not so good at English

  • There's a workable link in ace-table I think.

    Also you need to install mpwrap and read the documentation until you start using it because it's quite complicated for the first time.

  • Why do you need syncing it? Don't you think it's extra data that can increase ping or make your game laggy?

    Anyway, you can use rexrainbow's plugin "MpSyncFunction" for it.https://c2rexplugins.weebly.com/rex_mpsyncfunction.html

    It works just like the built-in function plugin, so you can trigger functions for all peers and start animations or create effects in same tick.

  • up

    I have no idea how to fix it. Really.

  • Is it possible to insert code into config.xml by JS SDK? I know that I can use "cordova-plugins" in edittime.js, but what if I need to give my plugin some options like

    <platform name="android">
    	<preference name=".." value=".." />
  • luckyrawatlucky

    Yes, check out built-in examples of C2. Press File -> New -> Type: Blend Modes. Don't forget to set "Force own texture" to "Yes" in layer properties.

    And you should remember that it won't work fast enough on mobile devices.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • guannstar

    Well, probably the free plan will be enough for you for the first month, because usually you don't get a lot of popularity until some weeks were passed. At least this rule works for Google Play

  • guannstar

    No, that's all you need. Also you can put actions near to each other (in one condition). I just separated them to insert comments.

    And remember about firebase free account limits. If you are targeting on a big audience, first you should check another paid plans.

  • up

    still actual

  • guannstar

    Sorry that didn't respond for a long time

    Here's a very simple example with some comments.


  • guannstar

    I had some problems with firebase earlier. It said "Online" only the first time I enter my game. Then it just said "Offline". So i'm not sure if it's the same problem as yours.

    But in your code I don't see any actions which would save data after touching the button. You have to save it every time you update data. Also check rexrainbow's example on his official website

  • For some reason I can't make multiplayer game work on mobile (Android 5.0), built with Phonegap Build (It doesn't work neither with Crosswalk or WebView. It always says "Multiplayer not supported".

    Default examples from Contstruct 2 such as Chat Room don't work too. Here is an example of chat room: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hu7elivgobtp8kc/Multiplayerchatexample-debug.apk?dl=0 (I used a simple webview in it). C2 is latest version, no 3rd party plugins.

    What could be wrong?

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  • TheRealDannyyy no good news (yet).

    I posted this same topic as a Bug Report:

    In hindsight I should have started with that.

    TheRealDannyyy Hello, any news on it?