Thank u for ur explanation.
I got the code.
I change Behaviors physcis to Sine-Movement-Angle(to make sprite1 swing).
And make Sprite2 pin to sprite1 image point.
This is my code for who need :)
Thank again.
i already use pin in code above but not work,i don do where wrong.
for ur info im using physics to make sprite1 swing.
Hai all,i got question.
How do I make sprite2 follow sprite1 when drag sprite1?
When i dragging sprite1,then sprite 2 will follow sprite1 to left or right.
if sprite1 dragging to left,then sprite2 will follow to left.
if sprite dragging to right,then sprite2 will follow to right.
this is my c3p
Thank u both of you to help me and give suggestion :)
Finally i succes for it
this is my code
This is my c3p for who need :)
sorry,i mean when sliderBar on hold and value change,not after sliderBar touch end.
my first code is working,but problem if i got many value,i must repeat same code.
Hai all i got question How do I play effect sound when SliderBar change value?
i use this code but not very nice,if somebody can fix or make it easy :)
This is my c3p file
ok. finally i got my code to success.I think it not organized very well
But it work.:)
If anyone want to fix very appreciated.
this is my capx for who want to fix or use
Thank 4 help :)
I got another question
how can i Repeat audio from slidebar A and B,using slidebar C?
For example when
1.i press Button Play,
2."slidebar A will play 3 time" then
3.continue play "slidebar B will play 2 time" then
4.all slidebar A B will repeat 2 time based on slidebar C value.
this is my c3p file
Thank u very2 much sir for your help.Work very so happy :)
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
i follow your code but,the are no gap(stop) play audio between SliderBar_Hat and SliderBar_Sock when press play button.
where wrong?
For example when i touch "Play" then it will play audio "book" 3 time then stop, then continue play audio "pencil" 2 time.
i try that code but stuck at code in circle
can you send c3p link :)
i success play audio "book" 3 time , but fail to continue play audio "pencil" 2 time after touch play button
How do i Repeat multi sound?
i want to Repeat sound using slidebar,
For example when i touch "Play" then it will play audio "book" 3 time then play audio "pencil" 2 time.
How can i do that?
This is my capx
for someone need the code
Thank u —for your help a lot. Solve
u can send c3p file i will covert it.i just want to understand