DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • mwmdragon


    Thanks! I'll post how I did the chat window when I get a chance.

    That will be fantastic.

    I've been playing around a bit more... buildt in scrollor because styling text box scroller isn't easily doable in C2.


    <img src="https://photos-4.dropbox.com/t/0/AAAJuGhoekGGjwDicd57If-NJJl3WlkNGGI95LZwepjbWg/12/194000953/jpeg/1024x768/3/1382792400/0/2/newest%20entry%20first.JPG/tJHxs1bCsO-0Le5NGY3p0z3isUoUywH8FlU__8KUbS0" border="0" />


  • I would like to report, that I'm still using standard (non steam version) [Thank you so much Tom] and I have not had a single issue, I mean nothing, nada, zip.

    When using steam version I was crashing all day long, and countless other issues.

    When using standard version (non steam) I haven't had a problem, even the closing the program glitch has disapeared.

    I have been using it a lot recently too, so really been pushing it.

    Bottom line: I am so thrilled that I am going to purchase business version now (standard, non steam off course).

    For those who look at steam forums for construct. Steam has deleted many topics related to any mention that steam causes instability with construct2 and other programs (one day they are there, next they are wiped out)

  • LEON

    Do what I did, use the free version and by the time you hit 100 events you will have a extremely good grounding.

    Search the forums (there is a ton of wealth in the forums)

    And ask questions (provide your own capx to show your process) and people will comment and tell you what they would do.

    Go through the example games (build them) and you will have mastered almost all the basics and be able to build anything you want.

    The only way to learn code/programs is to use it.

    MMF2 has a very steep learning curve

    C2 will take a week and you will be on auto-pilot.

    If you want a learning curve with tons of documentation - rather use unity3d, they about to move into 2d realm as well with awesome features.

    Most game engines are free to use until you make profit. So there is no wasting money. Just make a game and make money and use profit to purchase software.

  • Press F12 on Chrome or firefox.

    Checked. Now you are missing offline.appcache file

  • Some great games have been made with MMF, Some great games have been made with C2 and GMS.

    Out of the three and there are more in the list, I preferred GMS, and actually dreaded moving to C2.

    Took me a week to settle in and haven't looked back.

    My thoughts MMF started off with promise, but agree with Arima, C2 is everything MMF should have been. MMF is not friendly, it isn't easy, and has a steep learning curve.

    The choice is rather between GMS and Construct 2 - each has its pro and cons and it is dependant on your project.

    The only downside, and biggest frustration is exporting to various platforms (iOS and android).

    If you want to build serious games, unity3d is the best - hands down, but for ease and simplicity C2 wins hands down.

  • Just checked - agree with ashley, you are missing the c2runtime.js

  • +1 and fix forum +1000 (so annoying)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • The problem is... google drive/dropbox/ etc etc don't always work.

    Answer whole game folder so you browse to url/gamefolder/

    The index.html makes it work

    Your best bet is to host your game online. Found this the other day, its free and works remarkably well. Your own website for free.

    Free Web Hosting

    I create folders

    mygames.url/game1/exported project files

    mygames.url/game2/exported project files

    And I just browse to mygames.url/game2/

    EDIT: I know you said you don't want to be pointed to tutorials, but this is nice walk thru with google drive.

    WalkThru with Google DRive

  • New object > Text Box

    Go to text box properties select type > Text Area (this has auto scroll bars when text exceeds text box space.

    You can also use a plugin


  • Firstly for others - link to THE AWESOME BATTLEMAT

    Secondly: Wow, the updates are fantastic. The server is running perfectly, and I can see speed improvements in the actual game too.

    Love the tweaks on the graphics and new everything.

    The getting started box is especially a nice touch.

    I have a question, not serious, just a matter of curiosity - the chat window how did you do that?

    The appended text goes to top bit (very cool).

    My Quick go at it - Yours is probably better.

    Newest First

  • No need to go into organizing event sheets, it has nothing to do with the topic.

    Just trying to offer solution for project with 1000's of events (a reason for wanting page up and down functionality)

    I did some checking for you ashesh,

    You own the domain, you manage it, you say page is removed - it is NOT removed, you removed the link to the page, I found the page on your server. You did change a few things - doctored the email images to exclude the info (info that points directly at you[which won't help])

    In fact the more I dug, the more everything says that you are guilty.

    You got caught. And lost your license (which you diddn't pay for)

    You want justice, well, if you only new how much trouble you are in - I wouldn't want justice. I would say thank you ashley for the little slap on the wrist.

  • Okay? Don't use them :)

    Question: how big are your event sheets?

    You know you can have multiple event sheets and can include them into a primary.

    You can also place those sheets into subfolders, and those subfolders into subfolders.

    I find it best as the complexity of the game grows to group smaller sections of events into folders that hold a sheet to perform a particular task. This allows me to plug that particular task into any part of the game. Basically, Object-oriented programming if you will.

    When you try to fix bugs, it is easier to navigate a smaller area of code that scroll down thousands and thousands and thousands of lines of code.

  • Try this

    free hosting found it the other day. I have my own servers but this is perfect for quick game testing online.

  • Ctrl + Home Go to top of sheet

    Ctrl + End Go to bottom of sheet

    F2 Go to next bookmark in project

    Shift + F2 Go to previous bookmark in project
