DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • How is difficult to answer. But check out Game Academy, they teach you how, but not everyone makes money. This is life. Folks have made 100's of thousands using inferior tools to C2, others have failed misribly using top end tool sets like unitiy3d.

    Its the market. Its the game concept. Its the audience. Its timing. Its marketing. Its ...

    Very very long list.

    As for getting business license, I just started my own (Pty)ltd and I am not a personal anymore lol, so according to licensing, i need to purchase business license. The timing for discount was a bonus. So its that simple.

  • Whiteclaws - He is stuck on AI - no takers for developing it in paid section.

    Would be great if Excal could write exactly what he wants the AI to do, I think at the moment it seems a bit intimidating. Break it up into sections/tasks.

    I'm sure there are enough heads to figure it out.

  • I tried to get steam involved - they are useless bunch, and don't care at all.

    Ashley said he will try and approach them from developer side.

    Just so you know, this affects every software steam sells and not just Construct 2. Steam is great for games, but absolutely useless with software. The impression i got from steam is they don't care.

  • Well if it works then you are the lucky few, but the problem lies with the authentication, you don't need to authenticate the free version.

    But, do what you feel is best, I'm just warning you like I was warned. Hope you get a 40 or 50% discount for christmas :)

  • Lol, you don't want the steam version - trust me. I purchased it and had endless issues. Finally got the standard version sold here - not a single issue.

    Some folks have zero issues with steam, but the majority do.

    Issues with steam version:

    Crashes, constant crashes. Won't close. Can't open file from anywhere other than through construct program using open and select file.

    Can't open multiple instances and the list goes on.

    As for personal version - I understand :) and I am sure they will have some sort of christmas special xd

  • No It is not legal You need a personal license to make any money from construct. Free is non profit.

    Currently they running special on business license 35% Off.

  • The forum is buggy. Post here long enough you going to get 'you haven't permission etc' and loose your posts. Trick is to use back button. Copy your post, refresh and paste post back and submit.

    The user permission happens when you post, edit etc

  • I'm not sure I understand, but this is what I do.

    I like oop. So what I do is have my master event sheet and include each component (their own event sheets).

    I usually have groups that can activate/deactivate different components (include event sheets).

    I structure my project by creating folders and subfolders which store individual components and merely include those where needed.

    I also use "Functions" to reduce repetitive code.

    And families

    And bookmarks and search - these tools help keep you ontop of the a project with 1000's events.

    Makes bug sniffing easier too lol. Cause it is structured you just browse to Folder/subfolder/eventsheet. you choose your own names for folders, eventsheets.

  • Webstorage is better because when exit browser their settings are saved for later use.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Damn! you got some skills with photoshop - I presume that is what you are using. The 'chunks' are fantastic. No problem on my side. This obviously isn't for small devices. Strictly desktop/html right.

    They are big over 2mb, but once downloaded it shouldn't be a problem.

    The only problem is memory 10 images on screen could bring a pc to a crawl depending on pc specs.

    and of course

    Download time takes awhile depending on line speed.

    I've created a family photo album type thing had similar image sizes and it even worked on my moms blackberry - lol (of course I could only show 1 photo at a time, but so it shouldn't be a problem.)

  • I haven't installed latest beta, but agree with ghost, z-order is probably best latest card being on top

  • For kids Cbeebies

  • Start with Tutorials.

    Don't read them. Build the example games step buy step.

    Build this first

    then This

    Construct comes packed with examples. New project and scroll down to see all the examples etc.

    And the most valuable resource - The Manual This has everything you need to know.

    And search the forums - so much info here.

    And of course, the most important. You cannot learn code/programs etc without coding/working with programs. So in a week you will be pretty effecient in construct 2. And spend 1000 hours and you will be a pro.

    Game maker will take you a lot longer as the learning curve is steeper. I come from game maker originally.

  • You have IE Lol, same thing Press F12 and go to console tab.

    You have an error there

    (X) script5009: 'cr_createRuntime' is undefined

    (i) manifest doesn't exist on server: "http://gamejolt.net/data/games/..... ofline.appcache'