DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Lol, okay. That is pretty old.

  • What version were you using? Good to know what isn't compatible.

  • > .........."team meat".


    That's.....sounds......wrong :)


    VictoryX, good luck, had my own fair share of leechers. Now I just delegate and if they don't perform - Burn the suckers. lol. Assuming I am team leader that is. If I am not, then I hope they delegate what is expected from me. And always have in writing that monies is based on performance and majority rules. Team leader gets 2 votes.


    Only 3.4% UK ?    That's quite a surprise.


    Lol, the UK, it might be higher, probably is, this is indication where site traffic comes from, not exact, but gives a best guess estimate.


    I'm 3rd world, but the ashley and Tom did right in putting servers in US because they are are more likely to pay for personal/business than 3rd worlders like me (Yes, I brought business license) but I am speaking in general. Oh, I've traveled enough to know that the only thing that changes is food and scenery and a big dash of culture - lol.

    Work is work, and talent is talent. Doesn't matter where it comes from.

  • Probably site usage stats, and which country views it etc


    Country     Percent of Visitors     Rank in Country

    United States Flag United States     25.8%     16,806

    India Flag India     9.2%     26,425

    Canada Flag Canada     5.0%     8,100

    France Flag France     3.7%     18,268

    United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom     3.4%     24,640

    Brazil Flag Brazil     3.1%     17,809

    Indonesia Flag Indonesia     2.9%     14,399

    Spain Flag Spain     2.9%     22,742

    Pakistan Flag Pakistan     2.7%     12,936

    Argentina Flag Argentina     2.6%     10,841


    Well, you weren't far off <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Ashley, can't you add new versions/beta's to dropbox or other. Seriously your server times out 95% of the time when download time exceeds 15min.

    I actually just tried downloading beta now and it time'd out. The torrent works, but is slow because so few seeders - lol.

  • I use dt that is Delta Time

    Which is about 1 second.

    But moving 32pixel on each keystroke is about 1 sec anyways.

    A good example of moving player tokens x number squares is this little Tutorial/demo comes in part 1 and 2

    Edit: Not everyone uses skydrive and doesn't have account to download. Suggest you get free dropbox or copy account to use for sharing. See my sig below - 20 gig for free.

    Just checked out your capx - that should work. You can also use the move at angle and put angle 0 and distance 32 for right and 90|32 for down etc etc

    Many ways to skin a cat - lol

  • The website always timeouts with me too, but torrent is about 40min - 60min. with 2 people sharing (prob tom and ashley) lol.

    I've had issues with uk anything since the data cable got severed by a ship somewhere Egypt side, I think it was a few months back.

  • NotionGames,

    Deleted, pm'd you instead

  • Sorry took so long to view it. End of year rush. lol. I gave it 4 stars <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> because I know it was made with Construct 2, and you have done an amazing job.

    Now multiplayer/AI and you can make some serious "$$$". Seen a lot on kickstater raising some serious capital.

  • Agreed, also in beta - Unity3d is a better option.

  • The education is subscription based...

    Subscription based for education

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Cocoonjs got major funding, they hired a huge team and it just stagnated - there are bugs from long ago that still haven't been fixed and they don't respond half the time.

    I am not impressed with them and hope Ashley comes to the rescue.

    I see cocoonjs just scored big deal with nickelodeon to convert all their games - bragging how smooth and fast the games run on cocoonjs.

    I have rethought my games and decided to self host and use html5 rather than convert to various platforms.

    Now that chrome is available on android etc.

    Love that I can play on my tv in my lounge. The future is getting bright indeed.

    I am just waiting for chrome to wake up and allow address bar to be hidden in game. Or someone to find a work-a-round.

  • Textbox and buttons aren't supported by cocoon

    I haven't found any real solutions. You could build your own keyboard that outputs characters and saves in variable.



  • , check out latest tutorial section, there is a ton of tutorials uploaded yesterday on location and storage. Even a cool one which records the movement and allows you to rewind based on previous co-ordinates.

    The space game has spawning - have a look at that