DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • yea, that really wasn't helpful at all.

    ok. I get it. No one ( well, almost no one) wants to show that they've made any money using construct2 even though they have said they've made money. i was sort of hoping for a webpage, facebook page, app store statistic or something. I get it....sort of.

    Wow, you're special needs - lol.

    Both examples I linked to are real folks who are here in these forums. Ubie land is amazing, it is being put onto all the platforms, I think it is on its way to steam, if not already. Everyone who is into html 5 knows about that game. It is in the same class as cut the rope.

    That example was of what has been done, and is continuing to grow.

    The other example was to show you what is about to be done. I followed ubie land and learned so much. I gave reven as an example so you could follow that.

    These are real people with real success and they haven't the time to prove anything to you.

    If you want inspiration - go find a self proclaimed guru, if you want education, stick around the forums. Good people here.

    The Choice is yours.

    Sidenote: Homework assignment. Get your own stats, websites, find those games in the appstore. Join html5gamedevs.com and all the other game dev sites.

    A lot of folks are doing well with kids games, go look into that.

    That way you don't have to take anyone's word for it.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • umm. yea, everyone that has replied except Arcaded have given examples of someone else supposedly making money. Doesn't anyone have their own examples?

    I really didn't think this was going to be such a hard question and was not meant to be taken as an insult.

    i was kind of expecting a ton of people excited enough to show their progress but it seems everyone is on the defense.

    A lot of folks here design games for other people.

    Here is one example of a reason no one is jumping on your band wagon.

    My dad worked for a company that supplied a workforce to companies.

    The one director of the company my dad worked for, worked out that it was cheaper to rent a helicopter and do 10 meetings a day, vs driving all day and only doing 2.

    When time for contract renewal came, no one renewed their business dealings with the company, because "they were obviously making so much money" flying in on helicopters etc

    There are tons of guru's willing to share last months income, and they will even teach you their formula so you can do the same.

    Folks here care only about making a living. We don't make huge $$$, we get to spend time with our family, provide enough to be comfortable, and when our kids are sick, we can look after them because we have flexible hours.

  • speedstr,

    Check out kickstarter - see the funding for those games and that should give you a good idea of money being made.

    These guys are going to make a killing Reven

    And this is done on Construct 2 as far as I understand.

    There are tons of games on kickstarter, and sure most are not using construct 2, but they could have been made using construct 2.


    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • You're very welcome :)

    Glad it worked out for you. Nice thing about this set up is you have access to mysql databases if you need them, and anything else you might ever need for a game.

    Is the phone using your wifi network? Connected to the network and assigned an ip. My one laptop ip ended up being when everything else worked on

    You can configure the ip range via your router settings ;)

  • rekjl

    DUTOIT, Thank you so much. I will patiently wait for your tutorial. <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Here you go: The Tutorial

    I hope it works for you. If not then are you connected to your wifi via your router? and firewalls etc. But this should do it for you ;)

  • I've been meaning to update my install of xampp to latest version of php, so guess this is as good a time as any.

    Will be up in a couple hours time ;)

    Got to run some errands.

  • rekjl

    No problem. Here is the Tutorial

    Edit: You are right - hold on, let me investigate

    Damn, I'm an idiot. So sorry, you need the network ip not localhost.

    Instant Wordpress doesn't use network. It ain't going to work unless I hack the code.

    Xampp works, I use it. Will have to write up tutorial on that instead.

  • rekjl,

    Haven't used instant wordpress for ages. Let me download and install quick.

    Oh, cool, its better than I remember :)

    Your wp installion is in iwpserver/htdocs/wordpress/

    You want to create a folder


    Now create a folder for your game and export game to this folder.

    launch instant wordpress and click wordpress front page - it will launch internet explorer at a url like this

    Now either via wordpress you can create a website and link to games via menu etc

    Or just type in your browser of your choice:

    Maybe I will make my first tutorial today if I get a chance, but this should sort you out.

  • No! Its just for hobbiests and wanna be programmers :)Notion Games Isn't making money and these guys are never going to make any money

    Both are fantastic examples of what is achievable.

  • rekjl,

    No problem :)

    Trust me its not you, I'm pretty good at networking etc, but for some reason I can't get C2 and my LAN to work. I've tried countless times in the past.

    But, my work-a-round suits me better now.

    I have my development sites there, my mysql databases, and now my game(s) which I can test to my hearts content.

    The preview is great for little changes, because it takes slightly more time to hit the export button and select folder, and wait for it to export - lol. But, at least I am seeing the real game it its exported state vs a preview.

    Wamp and Xampp can be a little tricky - have a look at Instant Wordpress. Its a standalone, portable WordPress development environment. It turns any Windows machine into a WordPress development server. It will even run from a USB key. Create a folder in your wordpress directory.

    Nice trick: edit your hosts file turning your localhost and ip to a url example.com or I use myactualdomain.dev

    Anyways good luck, have fun

  • I used to use old windows template :) Worked well with vista as it dropped the ram usage considerably, but windows 7 and 16 gig ram, I have very little worries about saving ram now.

    Agree with Kyatric. Unistall, download it again, reinstall and reboot the machine.

    I doubt it is graphics card so wouldn't waste time on that.

  • I've never got my lan working (with construct2 preview) and my mobile.

    My work-a-round is using wamp or *xampp and having a directory for games. I just export html game there and run game from my mobile using wifi and network.

    *my current favorite

  • I just installed and tried. I don't have this issue. Mine works perfectly. Win 7 64bit. Perhaps open bug report in forum?

  • Its not your wifi, its your old smartphone. Its the lack of cpu, ram, and all those wonderfull things that we take for granted on a pc. As for using CocoonJS it will be make it run even worse (depending) than your wifi.

    Old smartphones run out of memory and cpu and frame rate drops to nothing with the smallest/simplest of games and that is if you are lucky enough to actually get it to run.

    But good news is the new phones comming out can outperform some pc's lol.

    But, its not your wifi, that is 150mb/s or 300mb/s usually - I stream hd netflix movies over my wifi, it ain't the wifi, its the phone :)

  • I'm scared of chess games - they are extremely difficult to make. Player vs player is doable, but player vs computer is next to impossible. I know that someone was will to design the AI in the job posts, would recommend you place and ad there. Expect it to cost a couple $1000 at least.

    Player vs Player - I would go through the tutorial section. Start with the first page, make those example games. Read the manual, and start by building individual components of the game.

    Move pieces around the board, put those pieces into families, overlapping pieces trigger a function, etc etc. Spend a couple 1000 hours building sections of your game. By that time you will be in a better place to string them together into a final product.

    But the A.I is beyond many programmers, even seasoned veterans.