DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Just a heads up. Marketplaces have stopped accepting flappy anything :)

    The heads up is before you spend any money - know that all over flappy is being boxed into a corner because so many clones have been released.

    Some very funny ones too, but far to many.

  • Its an expression <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">


    100 events can be enough, but also can't. It is dependent on many things that we don't have the answers too.

  • Ok. I'm not very good with maths ;)

    In your example you need to insert new object - keyboard.

    Now that you have keyboard added. Create new event and select keyboard and key is down. Choose your key by entering the right arrow.

    Now copy all the every tick stuff and drop it there.

    To reverse it is a little tricky you got to do opposite of everything pretty much. like add becomes subtract.

    I am not good with maths, so you going to have to play around with it.

    Of course change the images to those of your menu options :)

    Nice example - I presume it came with a tutorial - hopefully they explained the maths :)

    EDIT: Wasn't too hard.

    Here is capx Edited Capx

  • Hard to understand what you after.

    Link wwwdotsitenamedotcom/someplace/

  • > Best bet would to follow and implement the same mechanics.

    Thanks but this isn't really what i asking for. I mean a Menu: 4 Buttons Play,Load,Options,Exit if u switch they rotate as 3D Corousel and it Stop on every Button.

    Yes it is, in principle, you just got to apply it to your menu.

    Look at the card, see the multiple images as it rotates. You need to create same with your menu block. See the card faces, this would be your menu buttons. The priciple is the same, you just have to change it to work with your menu.

    If you expecting a fully working example of what you trying to do, that doesn't exist. Construct is a 2d enigine and you need to apply the 3d card effect principle to achieve what you are after.

  • Essentially.. it's there to make linkspamming and other automated bot-like marketing more difficult. Also, there are some really useful perks, like giving Reputation to those who have read (or at least visited) the manual pages.

    First 1000 or so points are quite easy to get. It takes some time and effort, but nothing too serious.

    Agreed, the first 1000 you going to get if you want to learn Construct 2 just by learning, and therby opens doors to the forum and other perks like pm etc

  • Best bet would to follow 3d card flip tutorial and implement the same mechanics.

  • Its simple enough :)

    But if you don't come right there is a Help wanted section and like Joannak said, should cost some cash - I would say around $300 would be fair depending on is art supplied etc etc etc

    You prob find cheaper, depending on whom you ask ;)

    and what projects they currently working on...

  • 1)publish node web kit to exe adds chrome wrap around to installition so that game runs that is the size. Nothing wrong with this. Its perfectly normal.

    exe files are generally 100mb.

    2) Yes, and Yes, read the tutorials on how to do this. And good luck.

    Welcome to the app nightmare. Html5 was designed to work on any platform, and save us countless hours of porting our apps to android, iOS, windows 8 , amazon, etc etc etc.

  • No problem. And copyright - Whateven you want to say :), but I would link it back to your website as well. It html 5 they iframe your game etc all over the web, passing it off as theirs, but with a link back to your site will drive traffic back to you etc.

  • Once you reach 5000, and upgrade you are done, and legally can make as much money as you want. If you don't upgrade and make money over and above the 5000 then nothing will happen, BUT if you start making decent money and scirra gets wiff of it - you will end up in a lot of trouble and legally you will loose. Best upgrade when you need too, and enjoy all your hard earned money.

    Nothing changes with your game, its the same software, its just the right to make profits from your game that changes. Same apply's to other softwares / unity etc who offer x amount of profits before requirement of licenses.

    I know it is tempting to fly under the radar once exceeding the stated amounts - but it isn't worth it in the long run.

    Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar so to speak :)

  • I doubt it is from your side :)

    You can email them here, support@scirra.com but only expect a response until Monday.

    They don't work over weekend generally.

  • Sorry, don't know then. Mine was email not matching.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Which email address you giving in checkout? My issue was I used a different one from my paypal email and got same message. Once I used my paypal email it worked no problem.

  • No issues with current beta. Can release it as stable so we can start playing with multiplayer :)