DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • 1. Type in textBox on layout1 ... e.g. "Rob"

    click button and store TextBox.Text in variable/dictionary/array/webstorage etc

    then send to layout2

    Text reads ... set text ... "Hello " & variable

    I would recommend, you being completely new to do the beginner games which cover all the basics and more. Also read the manual, but you will get more benefit from actually building the games, not copy paste, but actually building it event by event.



    and my favorite...

    Open C2 click new and scroll down that long list to any example and knock yourself out.

  • It does work. Did you save Score as text "" or number 0 because text will show nothing "" unless you put something in it and number should show 0.

    Is your text box big enough to show Score: 0...

    And don't use everytick, only update the text file when the score updates...

    Post a capx, so we can see where you went wrong - because it does work.

  • Attached is a 24 hour example, but I modified it to show you a simple second countdown. Use arrow keys Right and Left to pick up boost.

  • I unfortunately hit a snag 3 days ago My game logic is flawed so will not be submitting. I only started my entry last week, so will hopefully sort out the logic and submit into rpg competition as I started in their timeline requirements.

    Such a pity I messed up the logic... will have to rethink my arrays to get it to work correctly.

  • You have the latest version. The latest stable version. The latest version you are talking about is the beta versions which you can get on steam, you just have to activate it. As aphrodite says, you can activate the beta versions by following his link, it will show you how...

    BUT, the downside with using the steam version and beta releases is that steam installs the beta steam client version too, which is prone to bugs on the steam end.

    If you use steam for games, expect issues

  • lennaert,

    Yip that was me

    I think I started the session, so i was host.

    Considering I am in south africa, it isn't bad at all if you didn't lag.

    Last couple days my experience is that the international data line running via egypt is problematic and has erratic latency from time to time so london to USA isn't the best at the moment. So very promising indeed.

    I know this cause my netflix traceroute from states to sa runs that route. lol. Missing my HD

    Sidenote: this is a very promising project. Very excited to see the end product.

    And yes - more bad guys With higher life. 3 shots is a little low.

  • Not bad at all.

    2 players and couple bots and no lag

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  • jobel,

    Not exactly what you want... but it will give you a nudge in right direction.

  • jayjay - Oh, boy do I feel dumb. I didn't see the CC in breadcrumbs.

    Sorry playerelite, I'm talking construct2. CC isn't being updated anymore. Construct2 is its successor.

  • Well, thanks for your anwser

    I'll try with SpriteFont then, I tried the "outline" effect too but the line color can't be changed (white) and it's really ugly (pixelated).

    Edit : little problem, the SpriteFont's download link is broken

    What Link?

    This is all you need to get you on your way.

    grab latest version GiveYourFontsMono(spacing) v2.2

    Once you created spritefont it is in png format. Open in photoshop and change the font to what you want.

    It takes a bit of work to get it just right, but it is worth the effort.

    Then insert spritefont into your game like and it has default which is ugly, open and browse for you spritefont png. Don't forget to ajust your character widths, hieghts etc as whatever you choose them as

  • Please correct me if I'm wrong. But isn't spritefont very buggy? I've heard other users claim this.

    Otherway around actually. If you want your font to look the same on all devices then spritefont is the way... in fact I only ever use spritefont.

    Edit: once you got a template for sprite font you can use photoshop styles to change it to get unbelievable look and feel.

    a and c using glass effect

  • celescu,

    O' My - You need to simplify it.

    I don't have answer, but thought another way to handle it might be use imagepoints and animation frames for each letter.

    Attached is quick demo that isn't working properly (lack of time to make it work correctly, but the idea is viable)

    It is a quick mock up and not intended to work, only to test a theory. The idea is to NOT use multiple layouts when 1 can do. Going for Simplicity.

  • Depends entirely on country. Some countries allow you to reserve a name. Others allow you to trade under either licensed name or even non licensed name.

    The best route would be to register the business name in the cheapest company option. LLC are great if your country allows it. Another option is CC, again if your country allows it. You can also just be a sole proprietor "trading as" but you have to register in most countries.

    Either way, you can always change your companies name down the road - very easy to change companies name. And if you are a team, then a company is the way to go. You can get a shelf company for next to nothing and change its name to "Out of the box entertainment" and later change it to whatever you want.

    My reasoning is if you going to build a brand - make sure you build your brand and not someone elses.

  • Ldk

    zatyka did a great example on Key Mapping

    and he did this is too menu see demo and click on controls to see key mapping in action.

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