DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • "Rope Swinging" has been asked a number of times... lol.

    This is what i have in my archive, but there are tons more hidden in forums.

  • It doesn't appear in list Its like a function you have to type it as you originally named it.

    Create Group and give it a name Group One.

    Now system > set group "Group One" Activated.

  • Just adding additional info:

    Blackhornet did a great example here

    Another method is to place events into groups and deactivate/activate them.

    However, using the condition is visible is very neat and tidy.

  • :D By 480 seconds!

    Yip - 8min delay - strange hey? It also didn't give me warning that someone had responded. I did take awhile to submit as I actually forgot to hit the button

  • Eventually I just created my own touch keyboard that popped up as I couldn't get the mobile keyboard to work and if it did, then it didn't work on multiple devices.

    Two examples capx found in forums:

  • As mention a server with php and MySQL database and my preference wordpress and install the plugin easy digital downloads and grab a premium plugin from same site calledSoftware licensing. Read the docson using the api, and bobs your uncle, and if you don't know how to do the above, then no easy answer sorry.

    But easiest option is to not give them the cookie jar. Don't give them full version. Give them demo version to test. Say level 1, or 10min of game play.

  • Stand Alone - I actually went and brought another license (different account on forums that's why no badge) so that I can use standalone. I had endless issues with steam version (nothing to do with construct2 but rather steams authentication system that caused periodic crashes amoungst a whole list of issues.

    I still use my steam version to open example capx as steam version has all 3rd party plugins and that license is tied to this forum account. I will note it has improved since back then. But seriously, I would go standalone without a doubt, especially if the price difference is only $12.

  • Time is easier to handle in seconds.

    Here is one of the better example capx found in forums.

    24 hours is 86400 sec

    10 min is 600 sec

    edit: ninja'd lol

  • Added a screen shot.

    So by putting object functionality into a group you are able to disable that group.

    I created a whole options system with tabs and found out quickly that invisible isn't disabled - lol.

    So put each tab into a group and disabled/made invisible as I switched tabs.

  • Lock the layer.


    Edit and if you mean ingame...

    THen put all sprite functionality in groups and disable group


  • Very cool. I used a prestigio (I use it for testing purposes - similiar to samsung s3 mini) and it played perfectly. well, probably about 0.2 of a sec delay on key press is all I noticed.

    Played chariots of fire and baa baa black sheep - the only 2 I can remember

  • They can already do this... just edit your original post with SOLVED in title. Some people do this, but most don't bother. Even if you put a special button that does this for you - only 10% might push it.

  • jexbe,

    You can use beta versions on steam if you want...

    Here is ubivis capx


    And here is mine


  • One last thing, C2 needs some big releases, it's not getting the attention it needs

    Agreed. I expect more big releases by the end of year, especially now that C2 is gaining traction, and bigger developers embrasing it (though they not admitting it - yet - lol)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Do Construct 2 games generally perform a lot better with Node-webkit than on a web browser?

    I own all the engines from Game Maker through to C2 and each has its strengths and weaknesses. I would rate Game Maker closest to Construct 2. But that is my preferences. Of course Unity3d is awesome, but has a extremely steep learning curve.

    Node Webkit (Node = node.js | Webkit = Chrome) so it actually is running via a web browser so performance is excellent.

    You can bring a small game to a standstill if you don't program properly. You can run a big game on mobile, it all depends on you, your skill level, etc etc etc.

    A 5 year old PC leaves lots of room to design, even carelessly, and graphics no matter what engine is what will cause you issues. Thisis all you need to really watch out for