DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Flashback was one of my favorite games, along with blackthorne, another world etc.

    Good memories.

    Reven managed to get the movement right - wish I could pick these guys brains.

  • Same result, different structure.

    The first makes the item = 1 as as subevent and the second as a condition.

    So if event = 1 then it does xyz else it does abc.

    But in both cases, it will do nothing as no action is placed after the check if item = 1

    The second is probably the better way, especially if you are making a tree of if/else but it is matter of preference.

    If x =1

    if y=2

    if z=3

    else text = z

    else text = y

    else: text = x

  • Welcome back - sort of - Excal, been following your card game...

    Look forward to your ludum dare 30 submission.

  • There are a few tutorials in the tutorial section on connecting to mysql database and php.

    If memory serves me correct - one was username password connect and other multiplayer.

  • Been playing a lot of dayz sa, something to consider is hiding the ui (health/hydration/food) or toggle and have little messagesappear bottom screen as certain levels of percent are reached.

    Reason is, I presume this is for mobile or tablet, and it will allow more space so player can see loot etc

    footprints caused by walking through blood - cool

  • Use an instance variable with music button.

    On Touched Music Button

    music = 0


    see capx example


  • Try Construct 3

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  • Using lordshiva1948 demo here is another way.

    use the sprite.count as spacedoubt says

  • Very cool. Coming along nicely.

  • see example(s)

    Click new in construct and browse down list, lots of examples using moveto / bullet etc

  • > "A license file for construct 2 was found, but there was an error loading it. Construct 2 has reverted to free edition.


    > This can occur if the file is damaged, corrupted or otherwise modified in any way."


    Lol I googled this and I was brought to sites that distribute pirated C2.

    There is a pirated version which license file worked up till a certain version, then scirra changed licensing system. And now that Google chrome has made changes, all those pirated copies are now unusable.

    But sometimes the license file gets corrupt and tom is quick to help if you email him. Had it happen to one of my business licenses, it just kept reverting to free, Tom was super helpful and it got fixed.

  • Nope...

    What has helped me in the past if you break project up into pieces and each work on his/her sections, then put together at end.

  • Each person will need a licensed copy if you plan on using license features (families etc)

    It doesn't support co-development.

    But it doesn't need to as this is probably the better way to co-develop anyway : Tutorial: Collaborate using Github

  • As zenox98 says: all issues regarding licensing is best sorted by emailing them here

  • The authentication imho is more then fine, it works as it should and that is how it should be.

    I cant verify any of the problems you have had with the Steam version.

    And what should Steam fix? It works as it should.

    You work for steam?

    The nail on the head is that you and I have different machines, different setups and different software and different components and 'different' thingamajigs - lol.

    There is a graveyard of issues related to steams authentication layer.

    The issue I have is that if you purchase something, it doesn't work then whomever you purchased it from should make an effort to rectify the situation and when all else fails offer a refund. Steam does neither.

    I buy and own lots of software, have dealt with all sorts of issues. Scirra are awesome, steam developers are some of the worst (I've dealt with them with other purchases as well.)

    But agree we all have a choice. But russian roulette is a choice, you can pull the trigger or not, that choice is yours. But whether you dodge a bullet or not is out of your control.

  • Cons:

    errrr, brains?

    No, honestly, i've said it again and again and i will qoute Ashley on this one.

    The Steam version is NOT worse then the normal one, i can only recommend buying the Steam one.

    [quote:g0jc8boz]There is no difference, other than the Steam version like all other products from Steam is tied to your Steam account and cannot run unless Steam is also running. On the other hand the standalone version can be used portably.

    Disagree completely.

    A) I have brains, and still had issues.

    B) Because there is a major difference between the two and it isn't the software(I agree its the same software). It is the authentication that steam uses to verify that the software is legit. This is what causes an huge number of issues. This is not C2 related at all, this is steam related. And steam is aware of it and couldn't care about fixing it. I spent some time in correspondence with them, they truly don't give a sh*t.

    Steam and C2: Yes it works, for awhile, but depending on your pc, your installed software, your drivers, your everything it can break on a single update from anything.

    Steam version: Crashed every couple hours, was less productive than standalone (multiple instances, file association etc)

    Standalone version: ZERO ISSUES.