DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • roteam: Your website is infected with something nasty! suggest you sort it out.

  • Thanks for your advice. But at the moment would you mind helping on this please.

    I think what silverforce is saying is get your hands dirty... so many folks come here asking others to make their games. Roll up your sleeves and do the flappy bird template, learn it, apply it, and bring back your non working trial and errors and we can guide you.

    Doing it for you, and 2 years from now you will still be asking for capx. Learn the software, there is more to your game than swinging etc... and you will have to build it all.

    edit; I see someone offered to make it for you. But you want to make it yourself. This is great. But you will need to learn the basics. Suggest you go through each of the templates is construct2 - open C2 | New | go down that whole list. Those examples/templates cover everything you need - all the code is there to build any game.

    Its a template cruncher software. It's not worth $2,675, but then again neither was the courses game academy created.

    It looks flashy and will make a handful of people some money, but in the long run, it is a waste of time. C2 is capable of so much, but people find it limited. Then this is going to hit the ceiling the minute you try to create a unique (non template cookie type game).

    Trey is seriously smoking something, but he is a superb marketer, and will make money from this like all his other junk.

    Target audience would be rich daddy's whose kid wants to make it as a game developer - and this is the miracle software that is going to do it for him/her.

    Check out all the writing software (Hemmingway wrote with a pencil and paper) and you can program a game in notepad.

    Wait a month and the software will be cracked because it deserves to be cracked.

    These launches know it will be pirated that is why they do this limited launch, make the money quick and put it to bed.

    [quote:3h8tvpx2]Hey Guys,

    We've never had this happened and always prepare for these events, but tonight we crashed the complete Game Academy server when we released.

    SO SORRY to everyone that was on. I know it was frustrating. We prepared, but apparently not enough.

    To make up for it, we're going to give the two bonuses (the big 3D art pack and the Imagebox software) to EVERYONE who orders before 5:00PM PST tomorrow.

    You can order it now here:

    Lol, get this on each of his launches. Straight from Product Launch Formula - ha ha ha ha

  • Answered here


    I like to use a default scale multiplier which I apply to my objects.

    global constant variable scale_multiplier = 0.04

    each object has a instance variable called size

    When created

    Set scale: scale_multiplier*object.size

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  • +1 for a search and replace

  • I'm looking into the possibilites of moving from a pre made map to a procedural generated one.

    It's a very tough challenge to do with C2. Don't know if I can work things out.

    That would be a better.

    What I did is design the entire map in its entirety and break it up into sections using instance variables to demarcate areas etc.

    Then save all objects positions/sections/etc to an array (download it) then in game load that json into array. Then when user moves to new town etc it loads all that data and builds the town/street whatever. I didn't get further than that as client abandoned project. But if memory serves me correctly it worked pretty well.

  • "On Function" doesn't support variables. But I still use constants

    var FunctionNameF

    Create function and start typing out Funct... and it will list the variable, just delete the F and put in ""

    Its a work-around, but at least no typo's.

  • Haven't done a platformer in some time, so can't comment.

  • Try exporting the space blaster game... and see for yourself. I used it on crosswalk and it runs perfectly on mobile.

  • I agree with your dad about being wearing about linking cards. And you can't open a paypal account either.

    You don't need a license. You need to hone your skills, you are 14 years old. Build games (lots of them) bad and good and learn from each experience. If you are serious about being a game developer, then start learning C# or C++, and you can learn these for free from microsoft(I'm currently doing it).

    How to win dad's over isn't about showing numbers of what you can get. Dad's know life doesn't go according to plan. You need to study C#/C++/HTML5/CSS etc (all free on microsoft academy)

    You need to use the free scirra license and make great little games.

    Put your games all over the internet (Make sure it has your brand name - [NOT LightBulb Games (this is taken already by the way) your name, you as a person Naji ???], and get a domain name in your real name so that you can get an email which you will have for ever (can't be canceled no hotmail/gmail/webmail etc. And make sure that you can always be contacted via your games via email.

    You are 14, you have 2 years to learn a language, and get your name all over the net. THen when you decide to take this up a notch, you have a following, and experience.

  • > "Instead of the event editor telling you, you have made a bad call, you spend precious time trying to figure out a logic error that doesn't even exist."


    > Amen. I wish to rid myself of hours of debugging due to my own fail typos >.<


    Have a global constant text for each function name. Rid yourself of hours of debugging from typos. The names will appear in the completion list. Yea it's a workaround.

    Also check the browser debug window as it tells you of these errors. Sorry if you already knew.

    Exactly right. Global constant (constant being the word) is the way to go. I make global constants for everything from character names to dimensions. It is easier to change 1 variable than change 1000's of actions.

  • works on pc, then it must be cocoonjs, try crosswalk...

    Just guessing, but could be ad placement shifting things??? Yeck, if you using cocoonjs it could be anything.

    Hard to tell, if it works on pc, then it will work using crosswalk, I don't use cocoonjs anymore.

  • but I have (fortunately!) more work than I can handle at the moment!

    Congrats! Freelancers dream/Um, nightmare - lol. Great stuff. Catch your tut on Tuesday

  • > There are a few tutorials in the tutorial section on connecting to mysql database and php.

    > If memory serves me correct - one was username password connect and other multiplayer.


    ok i will take a look again!

    Multiplayer Tut

    And login

    enough info in both to achieve what you want.