DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • great. can it freeze on touch without any other visual indication?

    if so I'm going to learn it.

    like pause? sure...


    Reported. Your comments are unacceptable. Calling people a liar is not cool.

    Edit: Google spits out whatever you put into it. Try proving people right, before proving them wrong.

    > Have a job yes: 122ish hrs wk

    > Occupation: CEO/Lead Developer

    > Average Time Spent developing in a week: approx 75hrs


    You work almost 20hrs per day? I'm sorry I don't believe you.

    I used to work 20 hours a day. You going to call be a liar too?

    Top execs work these hours - I know many. Who are you to say otherwise.

    says he is a CEO/Lead Developer, that tells me that 18+ hours is completely believable.

    If you are going to call someone a liar, best have supporting facts to back your accusation. Assumptions count for naught. Best to say nothing.

  • Depends how complicated you want to make it.

    Array of data would be recommended.

    Functions to make it streamlined and mininimal.

    But to explain in new user terms.

    You will be comparing variables, either data stored in array or via variables

    upgradea = 0 or 1

    upgradeB = 0 or 1

    Set up conditions

    upgradeA = 1

    upgradeB = 1

    then weapon = 1


  • So far I think sync instance variable probably only useful to change the object state (done by host) to "sync" animation or conditional highlighting for exclusive peer only.

    As far as object creation and destroy is concerned, I still think it is the best to go with host, because you can minimize communication requirement from peer relay style to one-way authority style.

    Value your input, and I agree. The sync instance variable doesn't perform as expected(at least how I would expect it to).

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  • Sorry edited above...

    Will have a look tomorrow after a few hours sleep.

    Couldn't one just send a message to other player? If it only 2 players you could upon trigger destroy send peer/host a message to destroy.... No, no, that is the purpose of syncing the instance variable, why isn't instance variable syncing??? It should just sync objects instance variables.

    I'll have to look tomorrow.

  • DUTOIT If I have 100 blocks, do I need to do a foreach and sync every block? Because it doesn't seem to be working with just the single statement.

    If so, I may try out DFN's suggestion and use send message, once I learn about it .

    Just did a quick test, and it didn't work as I expected it to.

    Try DFN's suggestion. I will have to think this through. lol.

    Issue is that instance variable isn't sync'd. I had to double click object. click 1 on host click 1 on peer to destroy.

    Its midnight, so brain isn't working as it should.

  • ArcadEd

    Off top of my head...

    Create a instance variable on grey blocks called destroy

    when hit mark as 1

    Sync grey blocks variable destroy on start of layout as you did...

    Now in common game components do a check.

    Compare instance variable greyblacks destroy = 1 then destroy

    Something like that I think.

  • [quote:15ckxj03]Instance Variables are added to object types but store numbers, text or booleans (on/off flags) individually for each instance.

    Suggest you read the manual entry

    Now create an instance variable and assign your text to that variable. Now check against the variable.

    Important to make sure that text is text and not number etc.

    Edit: and if you choose text make sure you put "text"

    Anyways, attached is small demo showing it works.

  • What Ubivis said... and your F2 isn't working because you have F lock on. Turn F lock off.

    F lock on is F2 is undo, F3 us redo, F4 is new etc

    If you have done everything, then this is the most bazar thing in the world.

    Try and change your theme etc, heck can you take some screenshots or make a vid.

    Can you edit it in properties...


    There are at least 4 or so ways to rename it.

    click layer and F2

    Click layer and rename

    In layer properties click layer0 and edit box will appear.

    Oh, four click layer0 and hit pencil.

  • Stupid Simple Answer. Yes!

    C2 can make some pretty cool presentations, based on your ability to use the software of course

    But 10 pictures, with fade (decrease opacity from 100 to 0 over X time) - no problem, you can move the picture in a swipe motion, heck you can do some pretty cool things that powerpoint only wishes it could do - lol.

    Note: It will take you a little longer than 30 sec.

    Complete noob should be a few hours.

    Sessioned Vet couple min with apk ready to install onto phone or 30+ min with some pretty cool animations.

  • I already have that header in the php file, and my cellular data for my app is turned on in settings. This is on iphone btw.

    You used cocoonjs to port to iOS I presume. It wouldn't surprise me at all to find the issue is there.

    I haven't done a iphone app in awhile because cocoonjs isn't an option, has never been.

    I presume the preview worked fine... therefore the issue is with cocoonjs (if you used it)

    Sorry, I haven't a clue.

  • +1

    Have a day job: No, I own a few business. (12 hours)

    Occupation: Entrepreneur

    Average time spent developing in a week: 35 hours

  • AJAX does work on mobile

    Okay pulling at straws...

    Have you tried adding this to your php file

    header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');[/code:938vkh7y]
    You also need to check  cross-domain security restrictions
    Read about it [url=https://www.scirra.com/manual/107/ajax]here[/url]
    Some phones "I think" can block fetching data for security reasons. I'm really not very clued up on mobile security settings.
    But if it works on wifi, which i know it does. It also works on my 3g, but I've set my phone to use either wifi(when available) or 3g so it always has access to internet. Some apps I have turned off 3g to save $$ so it could be users mobile settings.