DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Countless hours of fun in the old days.

    Good Job.

  • You can have 1 installation of steam. which installs into steam directory. You can have multiple versions of construct installed, even on a usb... The only limitation is what is imposed on the free version.

    Scirra installs different directory than steam.

    I think you can also install the free version on steam side by side. I think I did this once by accident.

    I have a steam license, and I purchased a scirra license. I have steam be the tester, because it is so unstable anyways.

  • Okay downloaded your original. Don't know how my changed.

    I went layout2, yes both sprites are there.

    On layout1, I set layer1 to global and both sprites stayed. Nothing vanished.

    Everything worked as expected. Interesting bug, Ashley hates these as they can't be reproduced. Maybe he gets same result as you and can trace it.

  • and now added 2nd sprite on startup


    Works as expected.

    Did you add the object - sprite to layout2? because you have to do that else you get error.

  • Yeah, but what happens if you try to set one of the local layers to global on Layout 1 with my capx? Do you still see both objects on Layout 2?

    Performs as expected.

    I changed layer2 to global and added a spritefont saying "I'm Global"

    It performs as expected. Am I missing something?


    Edit; Your capx only have 1 sprite on layout two. Must I add the other?

    okay added other sprite(blue) on and I see both.


  • Try Construct 3

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  • I just checked your link... your layers haven't been assigned global.

    Check this capx. it works for me.

    It will jump layout1 to layout2 to layout1 etc ever 3 seconds. I added global to both layouts.

    layout1 - gui

    layout2 gui2


    Edit; this is such a cool feature - going to save countless hours - lol

  • The spriter bundle is very cool indeed. I already own all the various items in bundle so won't be taking out my wallet

    But everything on sale is pure awesomeness.

  • 2 tutorials with example capx in the tutorial section with callbacks.

    Or paste an slimmed down example and we can work through it together.

  • Yeah, modularity - lol.


    I Agree Ashley, SVN is the best option right now. And I hear you...

    Easy for us to offer up suggestions etc, but in the end you know your baby, and what is best... and we don't think about the back end, and the issues that may/will arise - we only see the front, and usability.

    But if possible modularity would be great, but I understand your viewpoint... and support any/all decisions you make.

  • Ashley just check google drive's documents (also there are others tons of programs who have a multidevelopment system), they have undo and they have a multidevelopment system! but i know what you are saying that there might be tons of bugs and all that stuff, but my question its

    it will be possible for a future? its in C2 future' plan?

    Any software that offers multidevelopment is riddled with issues. If you want to multi develop, divide the project up into workable sections and have the team focus on those sections, then put those sections together when needed.

    Ability to import projects into projects would be a better feature than multidevelopment features.

  • but for games like angry birds , flappy birds and houndreds of others it is good enough, now with android and ios export,?

    So is notepad

    Yeah, it could be enough, I say could because it all depends on what you are trying to do. I have no doubt you will bump a ceiling, heck even Unity has a ceiling. But for stupid simple - it should be fine. Haven't used the export, but expect issues.

  • Hello all, i just want to ask why nobody using Game develop, it is same as construct 2 and free.

    Because it isn't the same as construct2, yes it can do some things that construct2 can do, yes it is free, but it isn't even in the same league.

    Construct2 and Game Maker can be compared to each other, they are same league.

    To compare Game Develop is like saying my VW beatle has wheels, so does your Ferrari so they are the same.

    Game Develop is a nice little hobby project, and is geared towards a certain user.

    You get what you pay for... or don't pay for in this case, which means you don't get what makes C2 cost more.

  • For each enemy to get enemy.uid

    Use a function callback and make the function.param the uId of the enemy

  • I don't understand how it can be irritating having to set the array dimensions. Do you expect it to know what dimensions you want by magic ;/

    Lol, I develop my array as I go, and forget to increase it's dimensions, and can't access new data.

    I load it via json, and forgot to update the dimensions to reflect new changes - my array is always a work in progress, adding more and more width/height/depth etc... so my changes don't reflect because I failed to update the dimensions. This is what irritates me, "the oversight on my part", wish I could just magically have the numbers appear - lol

    Insurance companies know they can beat my current insurance company, they will even give me a detailed comparision, for free so why can an array not know its own dimensions - (yip just got called again... Argh!)

  • All of those questions can be answered if you read my first few posts DUTOIT .

    I did, and that is why I wanted to clarify... Did you use the systems scroll to because it didn't work with other systems? or did you use behaviour which just works, got nothing to do with systems.

    A capx example might be better.