DUTOIT's Forum Posts

    copy and paste into notepad and save as yourfile.php or just change the .htm to .php (but office usually puts all sorts of junk into the file). Just copy to notepad. Even better download notepad++ I made many, many many websites with it.

  • Save your data into array and store the array as json into webstorage and load from webstorage into array

  • The fact that you are turning out functioning, interesting games is amazing, BUT, that they looks so damn good is unreal.

    Keep em comming... Wish i was half as fast as you... lol.

    My games generally are developed over a period of months, maybe I must do some quick ones to get a pace going - (I like the idea that you will flesh some of them out into bigger completed projects.)

    I'm sure you are learning tons

  • R0J0hound,

    Wish I could steal your brain, you never cease to amaze.

  • DUTOIT, in the meantime, you can download it here: http://www.brashmonkey.com/download_spriter.htm

    And the key you got from the Scirra Store will work.

    Lol, that is where I'm downloading it... I brought it from your site a couple months ago.

    I just increased my line speed (I throttle it to make it more stable) and it managed to get 12mb. Albiet slow to download (1 whole min for 12mb) it didn't timeout. Looks like download timeout is around 120sec. I don't know.

    Anyways, I got it now thanks <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

  • Anyone else having trouble downloading the beta? Its only 12mb but it time outs before download is complete. Much like C2 used to do long ago.

    Tried 4 times now and it has happened every single time. Download is also slow 12mb file 2 min. So must be a server issue, because I have a 10mb/s connection and it should be a couple sec at most.

  • Yes its possible, but array would be better...

    Saving via .ini would require you to put a work on newline to search via newline, it will end up being a nightmare.

    Array would better suit it, you can attach more info, id, etc.

    You will need to use functions and pass data via param...

    In fact, check in the store, This might help you... it even has built in functions to search all the data.

    It is a bit pricey, but it will probably say you that much in time.

    Have a look at the video and manual, and see if it might be a fit for you.

  • go to store, on left hand side, you will see leave reviewes. It will bring up all products you've purchased and haven't left a review.

    Choices are

    Your Rating... 1 to 5

    And Review Title and Review body. Submit reviews

    Leave blank what you don't what to to submit.

    Once submitted that is it, can't edit.

  • All four players connected for me...

    can only add 3 images... but peer3 also connected. As well is single "G", "O", "O1" etc... different hosts... it all works.

  • well could you add a paint brush tool to the frame editor and make the sprite editor with more tools for drawing with rather than the primitive line and bucket and eraser, at the least?

    Its like asking GIMP to please include some game making functionality. Software is designed for a specific purpose. C2 is to make games, not images.

    The current editor is ideal to make mock ups on the fly. GIMP or other is used to replace those mock ups later with real images.

  • Try Construct 3

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    Thanks DUTOIT that helped.

    It didn't say "Yes, overridden" when I was working on it yesterday but now it does and the menu is working.

    Much appreciated.

    NP, glad it helped.

    It will only get easier/better - it's still beta - lol

    It works, it just needs a little TLC.

    See capx of it working... it will change layouts ever 3 seconds.


    The trick is to make sure layout is selected. Go to layer and mark layer as global. Other layout, layers must have same name. Menu and Menu.

    You know it works when other layouts, layer is disabled and says "Yes, overridden" or something like that.

    There are a few bugs, but ashley said they will be address in future beta releases.

    But all in all, it is a great feature and going to save countless hours.

  • Yes, opera/firefox/chrome support it...

    As of August 2014, Internet Explorer and Safari still lack the native support of WebRTC.

    But, they did say it would be part of the iOS8 release, I can't confirm if it works.

    But I don't think so, not yet

    Crosswalk is android only.

    Mod, I reported in error, OP asked for alternative.

  • I guess that is, because when there is no touch touch.x and touch.y are both 0..

    adding instance variable that are set to touch.x and touch.y on touch end and/or only setting setting the x and y while touching should solve it..

    Thanks, I got it working, the issue is I actually had it working without instance var and only using client inputs.... boggles the mind.

    Anyways, its working now(created some x/y instance vars)... just wish i could figure out how i did it using only client inputs... and none of my backups managed to save the mystery work-around. Oh, well.