DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Note: I've read the tutorial Scirra, but he does not teach anything just talk the gates of the internet.

    I'm sorry, i don't speak english. I use the Translate of Google!

    That is part 1 of a collection of multiplayer tutorials. Also as remy-jay says. C2 has a few multiplayer templates that come with it.

    If you can't get your head around it using the tutorials and templates then it is too advanced for you. Because nothing I or anyone says can make it any easier. Not that it is easy. It is actually pretty advanced.

  • You need wifi to connect to internet to fetch the file which is on your webserver which is online, and can't be accessed without an internet connection. Anything shipped with game is offline. Anything external requires internet.

  • DUTOIT Nice - I'll give that a go then! I'm somewhat worried that it won't be able to handle it, but we'll see. Thought Crosswalk was only for Android. I've been away for too long!

    Ejecta is for iOS and

    Crosswalk is for Android.

    From iOS 8+ and Android L+ PhoneGap will be the way to go.

  • This is one way of a few ways to do this...[attachment=2:1rusgov2][/attachment:1rusgov2]

    You can also use pick instances same as construct classic example.

    I would use option 2...


    see updated capx


    But so many ways to skin a cat - lol

  • >

    > > I'd love to get rid of Cocoon... but it's the only program that allows me to use the text box to enter names into my game.

    > >

    > > For the time being, I'm sadly stuck with it!

    > >


    > Is there a problem with the basic textboxes of C2?


    Aphrodite - Not to confuse it with the text object. As far as I am aware, textboxes are not supported by the other exporters. I'm using it to allow players to input names on the iPad, but I read and was told that Cocoon is the only one that supports textboxes.

    Crosswalk is mobile chrome, so it can do anything that mobile chrome can do.

  • It has become impossible to support cocoonjs, and within a year cocoonjs will be obsolete.

    Depreciating it now is the right choice.

    Remember - Huge difference between depreciating it, and disabling it.

    It is still available for anyone wanting to use it. But, it will stop new users from starting a new project with something that is only going to get worse.

    I am very happy with this move. I am only sorry it wasn't implemented long ago. Would have saved many many hours of wasted time.

  • The server(s) sick, and the log files need to be purged. Slowest loading site ever.

    Agree with others, it feels like server is being ddos'd, so guess resources are stretched to a max, and server(s) under strain.

    Lots of database connection errors as well.

    Comes and goes, I guess with number of site hits. Peak traffic brings site to a crawl. Non-peak it is usable, not ideal, but usable.

  • DUTOIT Whats up Bro, Thanks for the quick reply!

    Is there any tutorial on how to make it work? I understand the logic somewhat but im unaware of how to use the canvas plugin.I know how to use particles pretty well for splashes, bubbles ect.. This just seems pretty advanced to me.

    There is a capx floating around. Can't find it on my harddrive. I Just have screenshots of Actions Check arcade, check tutorials, and check forum with date 2014/08/19 that is what I have as capture date for screenshots

    Oh, the example also used sine behavior.




    Oh, found it in my archives... I don't have link to where I got it on scrirra...


    Here is link to tutorial: found it... Simple Water Using paster plugin

  • Possible with canvas plugin.



    You can make a wave when rock hits water - set height of wave etc. And splashes can be a quick animation.

    There is a demo floating around somewhere. Either forums or tutorials - can't remember, was last month sometime.

  • Works very well using crosswalk.

  • Preview over LAN doesn't work with free edition.

    I presume free edition can still preview over localhost. Check your firewall? Check your hosts file that you didn't change something there.

  • Agree with DuckfaceNinja, it is up to developer to maintain himself, but typo's happen.

    And one of most asked features is "Modularity"

    But that might be sometime, so not an ideal work-a-round, but I create an eventsheet called functionref and I add constant variables

    FunctionFallDownF = ""

    OtherGetXYZ = ""

    So when you type in a function or something it lists the variable (you can't use the variable) then i delete the F so that it isn't linked to variable.

    Upside, I get same spelling everywhere on input.

  • Early days, but very cool.

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  • Go through this tutorial.

    Read the manual. To see how to compare text/number.

  • Version 1.5 has been uploaded. I removed and replaced all the screenshots and it all should be approved and available by tomorrow.

    At the top of this page you can find a link to the user manual.

    Thank you for the manual. And as promised I left a review... aka grizzly

    I will use it with existing game... just going to take awhile to move all the data across and work out best structure for it. But already the ability to have a dictionary of sections with arrays of data, and I can delete/add/edit on a whim within the editor... and the search and replace is a absolute winner.

    Crossing Fingers, but so far this is going to be an absolute life saver... complex data structures and C2 data Editor is going to be a must with C2 Users, much like spriter and sprites.