DuckfaceNinja's Forum Posts

  • Ashley is the girl, right?

    Sir, you made my day

    [Set sprite1 origin to] is actually the default for [action: Set position].

    Adding a feature like most probably useful for games that uses a lot of sprite i'e multi turret or just simply a skeletal animation without using spriter. Using spriter will be much faster but, it might be interesting to be used with physic though. These can already be done through math, but it would be much simpler in terms of structuring the events and visually easier to be used by beginners or somebody who not that excel at math.

  • Does this mean PhoneGap will be a truly viable option to use once that happen? I hope there'll announce when the time comes, or a blog post about it.

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  • This was asked before, solution with capx if you still need them. Cheers!

  • Something might be using your 50000 port, if you don't want to risk breaking anything in your computer configuration, try changing the preference to 50001 or any 500## you like, see whether that helps.

  • But if the case-sensitivity doesn't behave *consistently* then how can people make code that relies on it?

    It's hard for me to accept that computer make mistake, or am I missing something here? Inconsistent behavior by a computer must be influenced by something, which I would think 100% of the time because of human factor.

  • My personal opinion is, the developer himself must retain his own consistency. This kind of feature might break other people's game you know.

  • LittleStain I think he is asking whether it is possible to [action:set position] using imagepoints instead of origin, which I think can't be done unless using a mathematical workaround.

    NicholasMDS if it is important to use the imagepoints, then you have to get the x's and y's for the sprites and manually build a mathematical equation to position it correctly. You can start with what LittleStain showed above.

    Maybe it's a good idea to request [action: set imagepoint position to object] as a new feature, don't you think? I see a lot of use in it.

  • First of all, if you have the time and you're by any chance a football/soccer fan, I would like that you give this game a try:

    (since I don't have 300 rep points, I cannot post an URL, so please google Soccer Cards PC, on - latest version 1.42)

    It's a pretty fun game, mostly involving luck but sometimes even skill.

    Now my question is - can it be made with C2?

    At first sight, the game doesn't look that complex, the graphics are primitive and would be easily made with C2, but my main concern is generating the match outcome, and generating the schedule of the matches.

    Let's say that I have 4 teams to pick from, and I pick 2 that will play against each other. I've made 2 so far, and it works (both teams have inst. variables for matches played, wins, goals scored, points etc. which are at the end transferred to their respective cells in the array). But what if I want, let's say Team 2 vs. Team 4? How will I tell C2 that these teams are playing, and apply the post-match data to their variables? I'm thinking of a solution all day long, and just can't put my mind to anything. I was thinking of 2 slots, like ''opponent 1'' and ''opponent 2'', and then pick teams that will fill those slots, but how will the variables be handled still baffles me. I don't need any complex brainstorming, just a push in the right direction from someone who is more skilled with this tool.

    (Also, if you have already tested the game a bit, please take a look at some of the aspects of the game, most notably the Schedule, and possibly give me a slight hint or opinion how things should/could be made).

    Thanks in forward!

    From what I read, it seems you are already in the right path

    Your idea on 2 slots will work, handle the instance variables like you've done before, you should be ok!

    Look at Array.IndexOf expression, you'll be using this quite a lot to update post-match data. I can relate this to my CCG project, the combo of Array.At(Array.IndexOf("variablesXXX"),variablesYYY) is pretty darn useful in cases like this.

  • Hello!

    I have two AJAX actions in the game. Both request the content of a different txt-file. Once the data of the first txt-file has been requested, the second request has no effect. The content is not updated to the content of the second txt-file. The stored content in AJAX remains that of the first txt-file. Does anybody have an idea how to change the data in the AJAX storage?



    You probably invoke both action almost simultaneously, high chance it won't work. Invoke the ajax action one at a time, see screenshot, this is from my actual project and it works!


  • yeah but i think thats a bug

    i dont have a numpad on this notebook here

    can i provide any other usefull information for this issue? keyboard driver/layout or something like this?

    Hmmm, I have reproduced it, from your link and my own minimal project test. I guess this is a FF bug, not C2, probably nothing can be done except FF dev address the bug.

  • The multiplayer object does not support connecting between two different projects. Simply put everything in the same project.

    I beg your pardon Ashley, it is actually supported and, because that's what I've been doing this past 3 months, it just that it requires a "different level of understanding" and would involve complex mathematics. This was proven in Blackhornet's MP TicTacToe tutorial. My project works like charm at the moment.

    VeneficBlade this thread belongs in "how do I" or "what am i missing" thread. Your project is perfectly working, only that the way you used it confused yourself.

    [moba.capx] Line8: the fact that the text shown "Invalid Username/Password" proved that your event works, and both are connected and already communicating and you forced disconnect upon receiving the message. Of course it would seem it doesn't connect.

    Golden hinting advice: Name your variable wisely. This seems to be your major flaw at the moment. I know it's a flaw right after noticing your tag field as Username instead of "Username".

  • Good suggestion! +1

    Make the setting reachable in "preference" instead of defaulting it in new release, so that the beginner won't think the animation doesn't work. This feature will be helpful to non-beginner users with big projects!

  • Yup, that was exactly the problem. Looking up how to convert string to int now.

    I have stopped using event like your Line85, I prefer using system: compare two values, by either converting both to string or both to integer, seems like a fail-proof method for me at least. Cheers!

  • I had a lot of problem like this before, I might not be helping but I have developed a best practice for myself to always store value in array as string and convert them into integer when I compare values (if necessary).

    You might want to check whether the value stored in your array is a string or not, commonly when this happen to me it is always the case of comparing "1"=1 which is comparing a text to integer, as the reason of condition not firing 90% of the time. This is sure to happen whenever I stored an array asJSON and load it, then I failed to fire the condition I wanted.

    I admit, visually everything will always look right, it's hard to track which is numeric which is not, one of the key reason I need the debugger mode in my thread.

    Edit: oh well ninja'ed

  • As a non-coder, I would rather approach it in inelegant way because it helps me to read my event and know what is happening. I'm not against the idea to add the feature, but it may raise confusion among non-coder like me asking "which one should I use" because not everyone are well educated with terminology used by people with substantial coding knowledge.

    I'm glad I have started using MP plugin, because the action/condition it has right now are straight forward to understand and to be used.

    In this case, personally I would rather have modularity features, make a module myself in place of having similar looking function. Just an opinion .