The multiplayer object does not support connecting between two different projects. Simply put everything in the same project.
I beg your pardon
Ashley, it is actually supported and, because that's what I've been doing this past 3 months, it just that it requires a "different level of understanding" and would involve complex mathematics. This was proven in Blackhornet's MP TicTacToe tutorial. My project works like charm at the moment.
VeneficBlade this thread belongs in "how do I" or "what am i missing" thread. Your project is perfectly working, only that the way you used it confused yourself.
[moba.capx] Line8: the fact that the text shown "Invalid Username/Password" proved that your event works, and both are connected and already communicating and you forced disconnect upon receiving the message. Of course it would seem it doesn't connect.
Golden hinting advice: Name your variable wisely. This seems to be your major flaw at the moment. I know it's a flaw right after noticing your tag field as Username instead of "Username".