There's been this wrapper around that apparently worked for quite some time already.
So it seems. It just doesn't look like a very good implementation. I mean, it's a good effort, that's for sure. But either I'm doing something wrong, or does this implementation not work with relative paths? It seems like you need to define the absolute path to the index.html file in order for it to work, which would make distribution unnecessarily hard.
That, and the performance is rather flaky. Running the Space Blaster example shows that this wrapper has framerate issues.
At least it's a step in the right direction, but I do wonder... Do we really want to publish our games like this? I sure don't. It's like giving someone a website together with a portable browser. How is that even remotely acceptable?
I'll keep my eye out for the Awesomium implementation. From what I've seen it seems rather impressive.
I'll mention again that I'm definitely a critic, but I consider that a necessity.