dripple's Forum Posts

  • Basically it means creating an event sheet that contains specific events for an object or a piece of logic or even generic routines you use in all event sheets, but can then be included in other event sheets for use.

    Ah, I understand. Thanks! I'll have a deeper look whats possible and not.

  • You are talking like they would still be a garage devs. I believe they are more then enough capable to finance couple more workers.

    From what I've read, Ashley is the only one who works full time on C2/C3. Tom is dealing with the Arcarde and some ppl help them running their business.

    And, to be honest, this is a good setting for a smaller company.

  • tl;dr

    Of course Maybe something worth for them to invest in.

    If you expect more (or "better") support and Scirra hiring ppl to support you and your projects, then you have to expect higher product prices (of course, one has to cover the cost). But if the product gets pricey, you start complain on the price, because the product hadn't changed that much? (look at GameMaker, up to 800 USD!)

    I like the idea of asking some of the mods here to contribute, either pro bono or for some bucks and the reputation. Might help to filter out the real C2 problems.

  • I know we could build a module event then include it in whatever layout we use the bubble in, but as a developer it seems to me it'd be cleaner if it were contained at the object level itself. if that makes any sense...

    I just moved from Stencyl and missed this feature in C2 (It's called "Actor Behaviors" that can be written in Stencyl and reused everywhere).

    wizaerd You mentioned "Module Events". What's this? Is this something that could help me here?


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  • Since stencyl is more close to scripting how does construct work is there a if,when,variables to do more advanced things or does construct go so far?

    Actually, it's exact the opposite: it looks like that Stencyl offers more flexiblity when it comes to "coding", but at the end, you are limited to the blocks delivered with Stencyl (or extensions). C2 Events, Actions and - more important - Object-Expressions over way more options Stencyl gives. Look just at the math or Scene properties and such.

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  • Hi to all.

    First: my apologize for every typo / mistake, english is not my first language.

    Second: If this isn't the right board, please move the thread accordingly

    Third: I searched the forums and read almost every page of the manual, a book about C2 and approx 1248 tutorials

    Fourth: in my day job, I am a Product Manager and Java / Groovy / Grails developer, focussing on mobile (cash) games, gambling websites and their backends

    Enough said


    I was looking for a framwork to develop / draft out new HTML5(!) games quickly and while looking into several tools some years ago, a ended up with GameMaker: Studio, GameSalad, Construct 2 and Stencyl. Working on a Mac, Constuct 2 and GameMaker dropped to the end of the list, GameMaker to the very last place beeing very expensive for what I was looking for.

    GameSalad feeled a bit limited to me and Stencyl 3 offered HTML5 export during the beta phase, so I gave it a chance and did four titles with it (a flash title for a GameJam and three mobile games) and a number of HTML5 prototypes, but at the end of the beta phase Stencyl dropped the (always limited) HTML5 support. While still loving the product, I had to look for another choice and ended up installing Parallels / Windows on my Mac to give C2 a chance.

    What the heck?

    Okay, to make a long story short: I noticed some major differences between C2 and Stencyl and some things I miss. And while missing things, I thought I could ask if there's something similar in C2?


    Organzing code:

    Stencyl has several places where the developer places his "code":

    1.1. Scenes (Layout in C2) have an Event sheet. This is similar to C2

    1.2. Scenes can have behaviors

    1.3. Actors (Sprites/Objects) do have behaviors (similar to C2)

    1.4. Actors do have it's own Event sheet.

    1.5. The developer can write Scene (Layout)-Beviors in Stencyl

    1.6. The developer can write Actor-Behaviors in Stencyl

    1.7. Stencyl-Behaviors (Scenes, Actors) can be exported and re-used in other projects

    While working with C2, I realized that it uses a different approach:

    2.1. Each Layout can have it's own Event Sheet

    2.2. Each Layout can include other Event Sheets

    2.3. Behaviors are pre made and need to be developed externally in JavaScript

    What I am missing now, is the following:

    1. How to reuse my code? Can I export my Event Sheets? It looks like that copy & paste might work...

    2. Can I do my own behaviors in C2 and attach them? (assuming that 2.3. is wrong)

    For poeple who want to now "Why now C2?"

    • HTML5. HTML5 and HTML5 (I can wrap them if I need native)
    • Hoping the C3-Version for Mac is comming soon (thats the long term plan)
    • A collegue of me is using it
    • Don't laugh: I really do like the keyboard shortcuts C2 offers

    What I miss (for the moment):

    • The layout editor could need some love (compared to Stencyls Scene Editor)
    • Folding events (not only groups)
    • Comments on actions and not on Events (or do I miss something?)
    • Printing / Exporting Events (I tried some tools to capture the window, but they cut the last two events or so)
    • Retina support: on my machine the Icons are way to small and the action-dialogs "hide" the entries once I moved the mouse over them (have to resize the window to get them redrawed) and also Chrome's speed drops by the half (demo game 60fps down to 30 to 40fps, the game runs fine if previewed on chome on the Mac)
    • Changing the font size of the properies editor and navigator panes

    Thanks in advance for your replies, tipps & tricks and corrections on my wrong assumptions.



  • dripple

    This plugin made before official container feature. They are different things.

    It too late to change the name of this plugin, and... I had missed the document on my schedule.

    I still supported it, and let me find some time to finish the document.


    I just realized the differences. They sound similar, but are totally different. Looks like your plugin is what I am looking for. Now I have to find out how to "read" the instances who are "visible" to the player, i.e. inside a given area.

    Here is another kind of container for placing sprites/texts in a line/cycle.

    Aweseome, I will have a look.

  • I just stumbled across this older thread and the plugin thru another thread.

    (Sorry for the dump questions, I am new to C2)


    For my confusion: this plugin is different than the default container from C2, right?

    My question: I have a couple of objects (lets say 10 symbols) and I need to assign them multiple times to different containers and to move the containers independetly. Is this possible with this plugin? And if so, is the plugin still supported? (it's not on your plug in page)



  • dripple

    There is an official websocket plugin, too.

    Thanks, Rex. I know about this plugin (actually, it's one of the reasons why I am looking into C2), but the forums read like they are other options I might not be aware of.

  • Use official multiplayer plugin for action game.

    Sorry for highjacking this thread, but I am new to C2 and what I've learned, the multiplayer plugin is pure WebRTC, means Peer2Peer? Are they any other options for multiplayer than WebSocket Plugin?

  • I would like to have a look, but the download for the capx is not working (404)

  • Okay, that's something the author of the server has to answer, but I could think that the server failed to bind to the domain/url and the port, i.e. on my Mac I can't bind a service to port 80 without administrator privileges.

    ... and while reading the full error message, it looks like that the dns (server name) could not get resolved. I assume, you're running this on your local machine and the this machine has no public URL / dns entry? Try localhost first.

  • You need to install node.js first, that's the "framework" the signalling server is running on. That's also written on the page about the server. Download node.js and install, then go to the folder you've downloaded the server and start it with

    node sigserv.js[/code:8ecxvmgs] from the command line (see also the picture in the article).
    Now the clients connect to the signalling server using the local IP and port given. Should work straight forward.