driesdriessen's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • I had the same problem (xcode12.01, OSX Catalina 10.15.6). When I unzipped the downloaded file using the default OSX unzip, XCode closes immediately after opening the xcode project.

    I installed another tool to unzip files (The Unarchiver 4.2.2). After unzipping with this tool, my project opens in XCode as normal.

  • The MobileAdvert object has the option to let Admob display an Ad Free option.

    How do I detect if the user has selected this option?

    (I'm developing for IOS)


  • Important information is missing in the MobileAdvert plugin reference documentation:

    - App crashes on IOS if Privacy policy URL is left blank. It would be helpful if it is mentioned in the documentation that this field has to be filled.

    - Some conditions are not documented (Is configured, On user personalization updated)

    - Some actions are not documented (the actions in the Advert section)


  • In my project I create a text input field and give it focus using the Set Focused action.

    In the browser on my laptop, the result is that the caret starts flashing and the field receives input from the keyboard.

    When I run the same on my phone (iPhone, IOS 12.4.1), the input field shows, but it is not receiving input. The on-screen keyboard only appears when I tap the field. It looks like the Set Focused action does not work.

    How can I trigger the on screen keyboard on my phone?

  • For an idea I have for a 3d game I put together this proof of concept for 3d visualization. Please take a look at the demo here:


    The source is available here:


    I've added some comments to explain how it works. The 3d positioning is probably not 100% mathematically accurate but I find it simple and effective.

    Any suggestions for improvement are very welcome. Especially ideas to include viewer angle and rotation would be much appreciated.

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  • Hi,

    After a lot of trial and error I found a way how to do this for iOS

    In your app in Construct3 add a global variable to hold the URL string and a javascript line to read the URL that was used to launch your game:

    Export your game as iOS project and open it in XCode

    In the Info tab in XCode, add a URL type. For Indentifier use your app identifier in reverse domain name format, for example com.mydomain.myapp. For URL scheme use your app name, for example myapp.

    Now comes the tricky part. I'm open to better suggestions because my solution involves adding some code manually, and I realise this is not ideal.

    In CDVAppDelegate.m, in the function didFinishLaunchingWithOptions add this code (after the comment lines that are already there):

    This code defines a NSURL object (named url) that holds the URL that was used to start the app. If url is not empty, the URL parameterstring (url.query) is added to the startpage string as parameterstring.

    After building and installing on your device, you can now launch your app on your device using a URL with parameters, for example myapp://main?test=test123

    Because the Construct3 code is now launched with the URL parameters, the javascript code can pick up this string and you can use it in your application. In the example above it is added to a global variable.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I'm looking for a way to start my app with a start-up parameter.

    I want users of my app to be able to exchange a game-scenario via WhatsApp:

    - User 1 saves a game to my server. My server returns a unique value. The app on User 1's device copies a URL (to launch the app) and this unique value to a Whatsapp group.

    - User 2 opens the app by tapping the link in Whatsapp. The app retrieves the game-scenario from my server using the unique value.

    When I launch the game in a browser (e.g. mysite.nl/myapp?test=testing123) I can pick up the parameter without problems with QueryParam. But the QueryParam expression does not work when I build the app for iOS.

    Here is where I am stuck: How can I make my app aware of a start-up parameter on IOS.

    Thanks for any help!


  • 3 suggestions:

    1. you probably already checked, but the offset has to be the left bottom or top of the ground object, not the middle

    Update - I just saw the video - this is not the problem, because the bush would be placed wrong bit still move together with the ground. also I ready you checked this already

    2. For a different solution, you can add a few image points and select one at random to place the other object

    3. check if your bush is on the same layer as the ground. If it is on a different layer, the x-y coordinates could be different.

    update - just ready you checked this already

  • I'm looking for a way to launch an app on IOS with a URL including parameters.

    For associating a URL with my app I have added a URL type to the Info.plist section in xcode. That works. I can now launch my app when I click this link in safari on my iphone:

    <a href="myapp://">Launch my app</a><br/>

    I was hoping I could add a URL parameter to this link and retrieve it in the app using the QueryString or QueryParam expressions from the Browser object. Unfortunately this does not work.

    Update: When I launch the HTML version of the app with HTML parameters (e.g. mysite.nl/myapp?test=testing123) I can pick up the parameter without problems with queryParam. But the QueryParam expression does not work when I build the app for iOS.

    Does anyone know how I can pass a parameter to my app?

  • Hi,

    For the game jam the remote preview option is enabled (for me only visible in the project panel - project context menu)

    I am running C3 on OSX (in Chrome) and can't get remote preview to work. I understand that remote preview uses a peer to peer connection. Are there firewall settings or other network settings that could be stopping remote preview from working?

  • Responding to my own post - I just realized I can already save to iCloud by saving to local and then selecting iCloud Drive. So you can add save to iCloud as a supported feature!

  • I'm testing C3 on OSX. An option to save to iCloud (next to dropbox, onedrive, google drive) would be very useful.

  • 12 posts