DrGreenThumbCAN's Forum Posts

  • fildubek

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/86190469/C2Help/layoutView.png" border="0" />

    choose which layout you want first in dropdown list

  • aroh

    • added texts into a family
    • add global variable hitCount - keeping track of # of bugs hit (start at 0 so can choose first instance in text family - because family indices are 0-based)
    • after each collision the textbox is chosen based on hitCount using Pick Family instance int(hitCount)
    • add value of bug ate to picked textbox
    • add 1 to hitCount so next bug's value is added to next textbox
    • on start of layout set hitCount to 0 so can restart Pick Family cycle of textboxes

    I've left in line comments also to hopefully help better understand


    added FPS text 25/06

  • aroh

    ok thanks for clarifying will try to implement this directly into your existing project if can't I'll make a comparable example so you can work it in your self how you wish

    work weekends so will do asap

    sorry if wait maybe someone can ninja it for you while I'm at work if need sooner

  • Providing third party developers write their plugins correctly, they should still work when minified.

    thanks for response

    good to know

    so far haven't used or looked at 3rd party plugins so was unsure if were able to minify now

  • Nickydude

    guess was ninja'd sorry

    can't use C2 at work to help

    hope works out for you

  • or to minify script at export

    I believe if using 3rd party plugins can't minify

    also makes it so others not using the plugin can't open your .capx to help

    correct me if wrong please

  • Nickydude

    work today but if not ninja'd I'll help you tonight after work

    sorry for delay

  • aroh

    does open will take look see what can find


    eat X fly ex.(4) that the number 4 appears below and then if I eat Y fly ex.(6) 6 appears right next to 4 with a + symbol indicating the kid that he is adding 6 to 4.


    Pic below to help

    What I see happening so far is there is the # (16) created randomly at beginning is what is needed and the gray circles become red based on the # on the fly hit with the tongue

    The number in yellow box (5) is the total of the flies the user has hit (4+1, 3+2)

    If I go over the number in blue box (16) I fail.

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/86190469/C2Help/frogtest1.png" border="0" />


    Based on your description of what you want this is practically the opposite.

    Are you wanting the user to create own equation? or wantin predetermined #?

    please reply using DrGreenThumbCAN so can be notified

    I initially didn't because I couldn't assist you due to plugin incompatibility.

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  • sorry tried to assist but can't as you are using a SpriteFont plugin which I lack and will not be installing <img src="smileys/smiley13.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    hopefully the official SpriteFont plugin will be created soon so then can use that.

  • Nickydude

    do you have a capx that I can look at to see how to help?

    could be as simple as adding a condition that checks to see if family (buttons) is visible.

  • Nickydude

    if all appear and disappear as one then

    make family of buttons then make family visible/invisible

  • Wrangler

    got a capx? can see if grid size issue or something etc

  • alexwdara

    do you have a capx to view please

    will try to help if get capx

  • Beaverlicious

    sorry not exactly sure what you mean

    what are you trying to sell/create?

  • shaircast

    music is great original by you? or where is it from?

    man game is awesome

    unique challenge

    I love it