DrGreenThumbCAN's Forum Posts

  • Thank you so much! Seems facepalm-ingly obvious now!

    late to your thread but I wasn't aware so don't facepalm yourself too much


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  • DrGreenThumbCAN these variable would need to be updated from value of Touch X, Y right ? if Touch does not carry proper values then won't these variable be reporting wrong values ?



    Not sure what you mean

    but here's capxfor what I was meaning showing touch gives cor values

    mind you im using laptop dont have touch device but mouse is enabled as touch in properties by default (see manual)

    sorry maybe I don't understand your problem as I don't have touch device

    Set your x and y values to the sprite not the touch each tick (or your time interval) set sprite x to touch x and sprite y to touch y

    then when touch LEAVES sprite STAYS so values are staying as sprite is staying

    just make a small sprite and ot visible

  • Raicuparta

    Kind of wheel of fortune jeopardy cross

    just idea stage but trying to think of game mechanics over in head

    and couldn't find a viable way to do the lists (separated by topic)

    was thinking Dictionary but xml looks even easier - because then do in notepad outside of C2 and event sheet

    just tip if replying to particular person put that way notifies me that was mentioned :)


    got 95 first try in dark

  • ...

    So when making something for a touch device, you should always be aware that there is only input while touching.


    You said checking after and as LittleStain stated there is only input while touching

    so to workaround make an invisible sprite on touch at touch x,y then check values of the sprite after

  • ...

    like im saying I prefer to add a avatar that defines the site im on,

    sorry but not a fan of gravitar :(

    so then this would be only site with your gravatar so then you'd be defining yourself here not elsewhere

    just upload the custom pic you want to the gravatar after registering.

  • GeneratorX

    Already reasons have been given If you don't want to sign up for it then you'll have to be happy with your stock robot

  • yes blank page but happened to have link used to get r136 and it had r136/download so put r137/download and it opened the save as dialog and I cheered hahah

    but yes down for all based on their fb page too

  • Scirra has corrected issue


    beta r137

    loads blank pg can't get new beta

    https://www.scirra.com/construct2/releases/r137/download use this link to get beta

    any r1**/download to get the .exe until working

  • ...What I did was take that list, use Notepad++ tools to transform the file into an xml like this:


    So I really just used the list I could find in the most convenient format.

    In Construct2 I just import the XML file, count how many words are there and choose a random "value"...


    thanks that's great

    really easy to use to create my own list

    have loads so I'm not worried about the recurrence of words - as of yet   <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    if you find easier/better way please let me know

    I'd appreciate it

  • game looks neat

    hope to hear more updates

    and a demo at some point :)

  • thanks for this :)

    can't wait for next stable release to try all the new features

  • It might be possible with an object where you place instances of the object to represent the path. The question is can the editor connect the dots... la, la la la.

    Arima I understand what you said by making sprite appear at each node but like newt is saying above

    how would I connect these nodes?

    with the path/course feature or an update to pathfinding this would be expected to be possible without addtl events

  • ok thanks


    I know that's what was said prior but was wanting to ensure understood fully


  • let's say have 4 rows each row has same sprite but each row is dif sprite





    so would each row be 5*orig or 1*orig since instances in same row are same but each row is dif

    so total of 1*orig per row

    or 5*orig per row

  • Raicuparta

    I'm wondering if you could give insight on how you used the list of English words

    rather than creating your own