dre38w's Forum Posts

  • Ah. Well that's good. The community is so awesome here. haha Thanks.

  • Awesome, thank you.

    But when you say can't upload it. Does that mean if you use anyone's plug ins you aren't allowed to upload it to anything? Like a rights issue? Or just not compatible?

  • I'm wondering if the event conditions can have an "or" option. I know you can say add another condition but that's just going to say if all these conditions are being met do the following actions.

    But can you do if this OR that condition is being met do the following? This way I can combine some events and lessen the long list in my event sheets. Is this possible?

    Thank you.

  • Thanks for the link, Ashley.

    Sadly I didn't have the chance to test the game until later on in the project's progression. But it's not a total loss. It'll at least be a browser game. =)


  • Alrighty understood. Thank you. I'll keep that in mind for when I make really complex games. haha Thanks.

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  • What Pode said. You wouldn't realize how much marketing helps. Angry Birds for example was nothing until it was marketed. It blew up after that.

    So market it and do what you love.

  • You would be surprised at how many people would pay for that if, like what twdead says, the story is good. Also if it's presented well. A good plot is nothing without good presentation. I've read books that had terrible presentation but a good plot and I just stopped reading because of how difficult it was to follow it.

    So that being said I and many of my friends love that stuff. I'd even pay for something like that. Interactive comics and multipaths are always an interesting read/play. =)

    Go for it!

  • Hello. I have a game that I've pretty much finished. Sadly I just recently got an iTouch to test it and it goes very very slow. I don't know how else I can stream line the game so it goes faster.

    Now my question is what's the standard amount of event sheets, objects and so forth that should be used in a mobile game so it doesn't lag immensely?


  • Awesome!! That's good to know that you can put more than one of the same behavior by renaming it. Thanks!

  • I'm curious if the Movement of the Sine behavior can be changed through an Event Sheet? For example go from Horizontal to Vertical.


  • Got it. Sorry if I was being a bother. I thought it was something else than it really was.

    Thank you so much guys! Awesome work!

  • dl.dropbox.com/u/23348993/level%20changing%20bug.capx

    Yeah, I didn't have it in the right folder. Sorry about that. haha See if this one works.

  • I want to apologize for posting so many times. haha

    I checked that link you posted and the error that came up is allover is null localhost.50000/Platform behavior.js line 592. Hope that helps.

  • And Ashley, yes it's new to r79. The whole thing was fine until I updated.


  • dl-web.dropbox.com/get/level%20changing%20bug.capx

    Hopefully that link works. Took me a bit to figure how to work drop box. haha